The Assets object type you want to import your data into. 2023 Perficient Inc, All Rights Reserved. If the VO's are of the type expert mode then those subject areas would not be available in this document. Summary This spreadsheet documents HCM OTBI subject areas to database lineage mapping and subject area security. In the Title field, enter My Headcount Analysis and deselect Display Saved Name. The next tab of this workbook, OTBI Subject Areas, provides the mappings of FIN OTBI subject areas and columns to database tables and columns and to view objects. A view selector is a drop-down list from which users can select a specific view of the results from among the saved views. An advanced trellis displays a grid of small spark graphs that are ideal for monitoring trends and spotting patterns in a dataset. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Click the Catalog link to open the Catalog. You're almost there! It looks like you're new here. The values are visible in the New Filter dialog box. Document Overview. Any help around this will mean a lot. [Release 1.0] Information in this document applies to any platform. In the Add Dashboard Page dialog box, enter My Headcount as the Page Name and click OK. available in lineage spreadsheets hosted on the Oracle Cloud Customer Connect site. Document Overview. Double-click Headcount to add it Selected Columns. Adds a column selector in the results. Selection steps, like filters, allow you to obtain results that answer particular questions. Views give you different ways of looking at your data to help you discover patterns, trends, outliers, and other interesting characteristics. Rel13_HCM_OTBI_Database_Mapping_with_ViewObjects.xlsx, XLSX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Rel13_HCM_OTBI_Database_Mapping_with_ViewObjects.x For Later, View HCM Subject Area-to-Database Mappings, subject areas and colu#ns to database tables and colu#ns and to, subse0uent tab) Subject Area Securit/) pro,ides t%e co#binations o' dut/, t%at pro,ide access to eac% subject area, Do not sell or share my personal information. The sample data can be copied and pasted from the browser to an excel spread sheet to work out the final physical SQL. These spreadsheets are published by Oracle OTBI Development. R13.x HCM BI Cloud Adapter BI View A simple trellis displays a core inner graph multiplied across row sets and column sets, displaying many small multiples that are ideal for comparing and contrasting.