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Route based on the content (RouteOnContent). Node 3 will then be assigned partitions 6 and 7. A RecordPath that points to a field in the Record. RecordPath is a very simple syntax that is very much inspired by JSONPath and XPath. optionally incorporating additional information from the Kafka record (key, headers, metadata) into the Each dynamic property represents a RecordPath that will be evaluated against each record in an incoming FlowFile. However, if Expression Language is used, the Processor is not able to validate Example 1 - Partition By Simple Field. In such cases, SplitRecord may be useful to split a large FlowFile into smaller FlowFiles before partitioning. Because we know that all records in a given output FlowFile have the same value for the fields that are specified by the RecordPath, an attribute is added for each field. This will dynamically create a JAAS configuration like above, and I defined a property called time, which extracts the value from a field in our File. a truststore containing the public key of the certificate authority used to sign the broker's key. This limits you to use only one user credential across the cluster. However, it can validate that no But TLDR: it dramatically increases the overhead on the NiFi framework and destroys performance.). attempting to compile the RecordPath. apache nifi - How to split this csv file into multiple contents Using MergeContent, I combine a total of 100-150 files, resulting in a total of 50MB.Have you tried reducing the size of the Content being output from MergeContent processor?Yes, I have played with several combinations of sizes and most of them either resulted in the same error or in an "to many open files" error. This gives us a simpler flow that is easier to maintain: So this gives you an easy mechanism, by combining PartitionRecord with RouteOnAttribute, to route data to any particular flow that is appropriate for your use case. The next step in the flow is an UpdateAttribute processor which adds the attribute with the value of "nifi-logs" to the flowfile: Start the processor, and view the attributes of one of the flowfiles to confirm this: The next processor, PartitionRecord, separates the incoming flowfiles into groups of like records by evaluating a user-supplied records path against each record. Each dynamic property represents a RecordPath that will be evaluated against each record in an incoming FlowFile. Once all records in an incoming FlowFile have been partitioned, the original FlowFile is routed to this relationship. We now add two properties to the PartitionRecord processor. For example, we might decide that we want to route all of our incoming data to a particular Kafka topic, depending on whether or not its a large purchase. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? I have defined two Controller Services, one Record Reader (CSVReader, with a pre-defined working schema) and and Record Writer (ParquetRecordSetWriter, with the same exact schema as in the CSV reader). Start the PartitionRecord processor.

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