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Basicsof International Law updated 2021 - Studocu ~1566: Calvinists rampage destruction at forms of religion Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also available. -April 1640: Charles forced to call Parliament (needs $ fight Scots) The Economy of the Commercial Revolution: This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. 3. -weakened traditional parliamentary liberties (belief total volume of trade is fixed) B. -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite Paternalistic & brutally used for labor. F. Great Peasant Revolt of 1520. PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES - College Board Peace of Utrecht - International Relations - Oxford Bibliographies - obo In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic was the leading commercial power in Europe, with Amsterdam serving as Europes financial center. Nations had the desire for increased world power through their colonial empires. News; Article reviews; Podcasts; esicm-tv; Sections; Coronavirus - Public health . Utrecht (1713) 0. war. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. B. Predestination ("the elect"). C. policies of Frederick William, the "Great Elector", Frederick I, and Frederick II, the "Great". Peace between the emperor and Spain was not concluded until the Treaty of The Hague (February 1720). -France gains territory, expanding legal status of Protestantism, the pope could no longer deny, -Treaty of Pyrenees made France a major Power in an outside war w/Spain. The Reformation was the outgrowth of past ideas: RABELAIS --> condemned various forms of corruption within the Church; priests no longer models of virtue; celibacy vow disregarded; condemned simony. Philip V Established Prussia as a major military power / counter-balance to the Austrian Empire in Central Europe Initiated a long period of peace in central Europe (drained of resources) Partitioning of Poland Autonomous power of the Polish nobility remained intact and the Polish Diet proved to be an ineffective lawmaking body In the treaty with the Dutch, France agreed that the United Provinces should annex part of Gelderland and should retain certain barrier fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. ~ Peace of Utrecht - Nobility exempted from taxes, *Major Sign of Fallen Status: Taking loans from Portugal, ended with: The opponents of the treaty tried to rally support under the slogan of No Peace Without Spain. ~ people tied to the King, opposed by Dutch, English and Sweden However, these challenges did not diminish the country's overall prosperity and cultural achievements, and the Dutch Golden Age remains an important period in European history. The first treaty, signed between France and Austria in the city of Rastatt, followed the earlier Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, which ended hostilities between France and Spain on the one hand, and Britain and the Dutch Republic on the other hand. -- Council of Trent --> internal reforms and a clear listing of Church doctrines. -- religious toleration, but leaned toward the Catholics. Negotiations at Utrecht dragged on into the next year, for the peace treaty between Spain and the Netherlands was only signed on 26 June 1714 and that between Spain and Portugal on 6 February 1715.

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