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"I wanna go home," I say firmly, pulling away from his touch. The Quater-Blood Chronicles: Prologue- How Percy Got Annabeth Pregnant We can move out if you want us-, What? Chiron said. Those losers are always having abortions. Chech out the chapter index for the full list :) Its weird, because weve seen each other naked but we couldnt take a shower together. He said and nuzzled my hair again. Percy picked her up, one hand across her waist and the other under her butt. Deciding if he should go to college. I brought my defense classes intoaction and flipped him, he landed on his ass just like Percy did. I know, I said. This one had nothing. Percy swayed on the spot and fainted. At least they had privacy now. "Blame Gaia.". I knew he would and that's why I switched shifts with my friend for the week. The second one I got a little worried. There was only one thing on my mind as I drifted off. Chapter 13. A warmth spread through her chest as she kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry.". Blinded by the Light (Book 3) Third book in the Lost Sister series Alex Solace and Leo Valdez are happy. My knees went weak again and before I fell the guys got up and grabbed me, then seated me on the couch. It was too wet, though and her fingers slipped fast. I'll be back in a week.". They all ran away and found Chaos. Both Annabeth and Percy didn't mind watching her. I try to move but all that does in make my whole body feel like it's on fire. I loved it so much, I love him so much. But mostly Percy wearing Jasons. ", She sighs, "Remeber I'm leaving for my trip tomorrow. "I know you don't feel the same, just leave me alone okay? He follows me up to my apartment to make sure I get home safe and doesn't say a word as he watches me disappear inside. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. Percabeth In High School Fanfiction Stories | Quotev 12. The third one I just got downright nervous. Tomorrow there's no school somight have more time. Percy heard from the kitchen. Annabeth was starting to get real big too. Youll be a wonderful dad someday. Aaaa! //-->. } else { But thats not our problem for a while. Weve never actually thought of getting married. We were about to be a family- mommy, baby, and me. Just a few poems i write on my phone when i'm overwhelmed by everything. "I love you with all of my heart and soul," he says. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". It was Percys scream, and Percy rarely ever screamed unless he was in serious trouble. I whimper in pain and try to blink the stars out of my eyes, trying to assess my situation. She called out a goodnight to Paul and Sally as she disappeared with Percy into his room. Percy turned to Annabeth. Weve been together for two years. "I've been so worried.". Its Rated for teen pregnancy, brief s*xual content, and violence.

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