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The following excerpt is from a speech known as "The Funeral Oration," delivered by the Athenian general and politician Pericles in 431 BCE. . Given Pericles' family's wealth and influence in Athens, he received a very good . In a battle between the Athenians and their neighbors near Eleusis, he came to the aid of his fellow-citizens, turned the enemy to rout, and died most nobly. You, their survivors, must determine to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though you may pray that it may have a happier outcome. We thought we knew turtles. STDs are at a shocking high. Author of. Men must put aside their petty wants and look at what is best for the state as a whole. From him Pericles may have inherited a leaning toward the people, along with landed property just north of Athens, which made him quite wealthy by Athenian standards. Tens of thousands of people died, perhaps as many as one-third of Athenians. Through such a display he hoped to win the kind of fame that would gain him immortality as the memory of his great deeds passed on through the generations, sung and embellished by bards like Homer. The Athenians prized thought, deliberation, and discussion. At an early date they had abandoned the normal means whereby men provide for themselves and their families, including all economic activity: farming, pasturing, trade, craft, and industry. The French and American revolutions extended citizenship more generously than in Greece, ultimately excluding only children from political participation. Rats invaded paradise. Pericles therefore asserts that we conduct our public life as free men [eleuthero.i] (2.37.2). "Pericles' Funeral Oration - Thucydides' Version." In a book packed with battle, conquest, and massacre, Thucydides account of the plague is especially horrifying. Scientists and historians have tried to identify the disease responsible based on the descriptions of Thucydides, but no consensus exists. Monoson, Sara (2002). Heres how paradise fought back.

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