When she was born I was told she might never walk, talk or be potty trained but I was also told the best advice: Treat her as I would any other child. There are two ways that mosaic Down syndrome can occur: In either of these situations, the embryo can eventually develop a mixture of cells with three copies of chromosome 21 and two copies of chromosome 21. Attending a school that offers accommodations suitable for children and adolescents with Down syndrome can be helpful. In mosaic Down syndrome, a human DNA has a mixture of normal and abnormal cells. By modifying this characteristic of Down Syndrome, hair style, their appearance is seen as more normal. Heart disease and leukemia account for most deaths among people with Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome have delayed physical and mental development, specific head and facial features, and are often short. The percentages may differ in different parts of the body. stimulates biomedical research that will accelerate the development of treatments to significantly improve cognition in individuals with Down syndrome. Treatment of heart malformations, if possible, which may include surgery or medication, Treatment of digestive issues and intestinal malformations, which may include surgical intervention or medical treatment, Management of lung and breathing problems, Support devices to help manage the effects of skeletal changes. If they have no other chromosome number anomalies, some cells have 46 total chromosomes and some have 47. Yes, you can see the characteristics of Down Syndrome as well, but the family resemblence is remarkable. These tests are usually done between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. Some of the cells contain the usual 46 chromosomes and some cells contain 47 chromosomes. Care for people with Down syndrome should also include genetic counseling for the family, social support, and educational programming appropriate for the level of intellectual functioning (see Treatment of Intellectual Disability Treatment Intellectual disability is significantly below average intellectual functioning present from birth or early infancy, causing limitations in the ability to conduct normal activities of daily read more ).
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