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The most common ones are plastic, brass, and copper PEX pipe fittings. 32 0 obj <> endobj They are more durable than plastic if installed correctly. OD of PEX, copper and CPVC pipe with the same size (CTS) is the same. They have a conductor short-circuit rating of 250 C. Acidic water tends to corrode brass fittings easily and could lead to wearing away and failure of the entire system. Browse all. This explains why the products are suitable for both hot and cold water installations. PEX pipe system for tap water installation | Uponor Cross-linked polyethylene - Wikipedia Quick & Easy pipe may also be used with Uponor's range of compression fittings. Dimensional data is subject to manufacturing tolerances and may vary by brand. (Always check your local building codes to see what's approved for your application and area.) Its not the pipes themselves that freeze but the water inside. Failure of even a single fitting can cause leaks or significant loss of flow.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'plumbertip_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbertip_com-leader-4-0'); Any pipe fitting that leaks, degrades, or corrodes prematurely is regarded as defective in the plumbing world. Exceptions are nominal sizes 1/2" and below. Brass fittings are applied in pipe systems that convey water, flammable gases, chemicals slurries, and other substances used in plumbing. Brass fittings cost about five times as much, which likely has something to do with it. The various advantages and demerits of PEX plastic fittings vs. brass are outlined below. PEX pipe, naturally flexible, expands and contracts to accommodate the physical changes that occur when water freezes inside the pipes. Manufacturers trust them as well; the warranties for plastic fittings are similar if not identical to those for their metal counterparts. Their strength reduces at high temperatures. While this prevents the pipe from bursting, constant movement will eventually lead to damage. PEX pipes freeze when temperatures fall below freezing for exposed outdoor pipes and when temperatures fall below the temperature alert threshold for underground outdoor pipes. The material will start to melt if temperatures get any higher. Many consumers wonder whether plastic PEX fittings are good or bad. Constant freezing can lead to plumbing leaks. The specification section covers the details you need for your projects. hYn;}LTE"$$4*dE3B]hVx1hE(p6h,QAC PDF Guide to High-temperature Applications of Non-potable Pex Pipe and For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Since PEX pipe doesnt hold up as well when exposed to UV rays, PVC pipe is the better choice for outdoor plumbing as it can last longer. PEX plastic is a recent material to be used in the plumbing system. DISCLAIMER: The content on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Plastic Pipes - Maximum Operating Temperatures - Engineering ToolBox This, however, is the highest temperature the material can withstand before it starts losing strength and collapsing. Because brass can withstand higher temperatures as compared to plastic fittings, they are recommended for such installations. Technical Note53 Guide to Chlorine Resistance Ratings of PEX Pipes and Tubing for Potable Water . See this post for where we cover the advantages of PEX plumbing.

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