Athletes found not to have completed the entire swim course will be disqualified. Setting the pace: The 2023 Ironman Australia event will take place on Sunday, May 7, and will feature new bike courses for both the Ironman Australia and Ironman 70.3 Port Macquarie races. The layout container must have a custom class. Shoes and a top must be worn at all times while cycling. The highest point on the course is only 161 feet above sea level as you cross over the intercoastal waterway. Athletes will race through Monda, Con and Cartama before returning to transition in Puerto Bans. Tiberias, the city of the Sea of Galilee, lies on the western shores of the Israeli national lake. Any attempt to transfer registration will result in disqualification and suspension from future participation in any IRONMAN event. The undulating, and winding course will take athletes past Ellis Beach to the turnaround point, approximately 2.5km north of Thala Beach. No individual support vehicles or non-participant runners are allowed. Why it matters: Ironman Australia returns this weekend, bringing over 2,700 athletes to the Port Macquarie-Hastings region. This is one race that should be added to your triathlon rsum. . No individual paddlers or escorts allowed. To ensure the safety of the public and competitors, a number of temporary changes traffic conditions will be implemented during the event. D'une distance totale de 226 kilomtres (140,6 miles), une comptition Ironman , Homme de fer en franais, est une course multi-disciplinaire consistant enchaner 3,8 km de natation , 180,2 km de cyclisme puis un marathon (course The event proudly hosts the IRONMAN European Championship for PRO female athletes, boasting the fastest ever IRONMAN finish time by a PRO female of 08:18:20 by Laura Philipp (GER) in 2022. We want you to feel the acceleration from a downriver swim, embrace the power on an ultra-flat bike course and be inspired from the crowds of cheering spectators. From leisurely adventures or epic all day exploration, theres something for everyone. Athletes must ride single file on the far left side of the bike course at all times unless making a pass or for safety reasons. 1 min read. Immediately after is a bumpy descent, going through Blvd de las Naciones and Viaducto Diamante. Aid stations are located every 8.6 miles approx. This urban section of the course makes a dog leg loop in the town, taking a left on the Kuakini Hwy, then a right on Makala and up to the Queen K, a right and down Palani Rd, then a left and straight out and up the Kuakini Hwy for a good climb.
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