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A cool thing about Poshmark is you can join themed "parties" that happen at . Offer great customer experience from the start. Posh Tip: How To Price Your Items - Poshmark Seller research: Sold items : poshmark - Reddit By posting increments, youll constantly have new items listed to your closet. Sadly, it is a revolving door, yet for the love of fashion, it is worth it. While theres nothing wrong with answering customers questions, constant pinging isnt an ideal situation either. For example, buyers can receive up to an 80% discount on items purchased through Poshmark. Additionally, if the users profile is still visible, you can check to see if the Marketplace tab will load their items i. e. if their listings are no longer showing, they may have blocked you. Try to use Templates to speed up the creations of your descriptions. Taking photos of all flaws is crucial. I always leave comments back. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. You can add a white poster/screen across from your photo station to reflect more light onto your items. Therefore, the total amount that Poshmark keeps on each sale is 22.9%. The first thing your buyer sees is the picture of your listing. If you can, I highly recommend modeling the items on yourself, or someone else, to show what the item actually looks like on the body. If you are unsure about what to post, check Poshmarks website for full details. You can create an account and begin listing items youd like to sell in a few simple steps. Is it only small items items such as a pillow, blanket, etc.? Treat your closet as if it is your business. It still surprises me how sloppy some sellers are with photos. Its simple to post items directly from the app, communicate with buyers and understand flat fees for shipping. If you are looking to take things a step further, start thinking about what your shoppers might be on the hunt for and apply that knowledge to your closets. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Just follow the step by step instructions to get going. Meira Gebel is a freelance reporter based in Portland, Oregon. If youre selling a pair of jeans, you could say something like: Perfect to wear on a night out with heels and a nice blouse. Check out daily party themes below, and our Posh Party Lineup for a weekly schedule of parties. 12pm PST Category Party: Centered around different categories such as "Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits". It gives your listings a distinct identity which buyers will start to recognize.

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