I keep a stack of these cards precut by my Friday Folders along with a class list. Students, no matter what their age, appreciate some encouragement from their teacher. Where can you get one? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Click here to download this free resource. Perfect, quick way to find the good for the day & send it on, because we know that not all students have parents at, , this makes it more comfortable for any family member they go, Are you looking for a way to create a more, to print as postcards on Vistaprint or any other postcard printing service. Earn a masters degree in as little as 1824 months with ridiculously relevant courses that apply directly to your art room. :) Best of all, it's NO PREP for you!There are two, per page. Social Skills and Behavior MEGA BUNDLE | Lessons, Activities, Task Cards & More, { Behavior & Classroom Management BUNDLE! These are a great behavior management tool to help your classroom. I highlight their name when they get a shout out and try to make sure they get at least 2 a month. Glow and Grow Behavior Notes are a simple and highly effective behavior management strategy for kindergarten and beyond. Then, when a write a note, I turn over the notepad and put a date or a check. )How thisworks in my classroom: I showed my students a big bug net and told them that I was on the look out!Only I wasnt hunting bugs I was looking for role model students! They're so proud and so are their families! Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. You don't need to be graphic designer to design a good printable. These behavior notes to parents with editable templates make communicating behaviors a breeze! My friend uses baskets, Rated 4.96 out of 5, based on 271 reviews, There is nothing better than a parent receiving a, note from the teacher saying that their child had an awesome day! Downloadable file to print (printing settings for 4 pages per sheet fit the slips perfectly for a small quarter sheet of paper), This product contains 12 positive notes home to parents. I kept a checklist to ensure I was taking the time to notice every student each month. Batch print 6 per page! This would be a great tool for a resource teacher supporting a student whose poor grades may be more a result of a students' difficulties with executive function or with staying on task. It was very kind of you to share this (for free!!!). 2-3 happy notes has been my (mostly successful) goal so far this year. You can fill these in with the parent or the IEP team (as part of a BIP). You can send these kuddos home by attaching them to student agendas or folders! Parent Communication Teaching Resources | Teach Starter It also gives you credibility with parents by showing them that you do really care about their student. Webster, Jerry. When you order your notepads do they cut them in half since the template has two on a page?