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The switch to operate the folding mechanism may be clustered with the mirror adjustment switch. So helpful in parking lots and going in and out of the garage. Looking for reliable power mirror switches to maintain the ease of adjustment? Let the epoxy cure fully while the gear is held concentric to the main worm shaft. I have an extended warranty w/$100 deductible. Use eye protection and be careful, the spring is heavy. If you bought the pre-attached spur gear with new main shaft, skip this step! It can be a little bit off, but make sure you dont have it too crooked to the main worm shaft. Our collection of Ram, Ford, and GM mirror parts can help solve some of these problems associated with weak plastic spur gears, low-torque motors, and more, all painstakingly designed and developed, and extensively tested. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Remove the OEM spur gear, and any remnants still stuck onto worm gear shaft. Then top-of-the-line Mopar automotive parts and accessories are for you. Use eye protection when grinding this, a Dremel tool works well here. Power Folding Mirror Motor Replacement | Toyota Tundra Forums Your vehicle may have a feature called Power-Folding Mirrors. The driver's side hasn't failed yet, but it will, I'm sure, given the inferior (cheap) OEM parts. Thanks If you are reading this DIY article, you are like many others who have a GM truck with power folding mirrors which no longer function due to a broken gear within the fold mechanism or a dead power mirror motor. Search Tips. These wires can be plugged into either socket on the mirror heater (you can see the 2 metal mirror heater tabs just above the white connector Im holding in the pic below). Thank you. Mirror removed, see 4 tabs. Plug in motor connection and operate motor back and forth several times to ensure everything is aligned properly before reassembling. There are no internal spirals on the GruvenParts spur gear, but a threading motion helps to move the epoxy to all the surfaces. Flat head screw driver is inserted between the case halves, forcing outer half outward. The lower half of the drive unit with all the gears inside IS the same as the previous generation. This is in no way complete, as most RAM trucks made from 2013-2018 with power folding mirrors will use this gear and motor. brass spur gear shown 2nd from right. When installing the brass spur gear, check to make sure its perpendicular to the main worm shaft (not crooked). In Stock. Case halves separated. All 2007-2014 GM SUV's With Power Folding Non-Tow Mirrors Including Acadia, Traverse, Enclave, Escalade, Tahoe, Suburban, Yukon, and Denali. by bluemoon37 Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:59 pm, Post It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. If you're seeking to get your steel stallion back to its tip-top condition, then this top-notch replacement solution is what you should definitely look out for.

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