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Human Growth and Development Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet c. religious or community death rites d. idealistic thinking. The roof of the building is designed to minimize daytime heat gain by using reflective and insulated materials. Which o the following is true of the possible selves of older adults? Some of them are pretest questions that will not be scored. c. Passion, intimacy, decision/commitment d. appropriate medical care, _________ is triggered by degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. d. generatively vs stagnation, Which of the following most resembles the grieving process? Couples who cohabitant before getting engaged have a better chance of a successful marriage than couples who wait until they are engaged to cohabitate An understanding of the major theories and research related to the broad categories of physical development . a. the average number of people in a clique is 8-10 d. both maternal and paternal grandparents, When men use fight-or-flight manner to respond to stress, they are most likely to: b. a single grandfather c. distant hcurd1244. Give three examples.\. Attraction, desire, complementarity d. an individual's ability to reason abstractly, Jasper's grandparents show a strong interest in all their grandchildren but are careful not to give child-rearing advice. a. alzheimer disease a. anger Exam #3 (Chapters 6-10) 100 terms. c. diminished self esteem c. delinquency rates among lower-socioeconomic status youth are especially high They are using the ________ style of grandparenting. d. tactics to "scare teens straight", According to Jean Piaget, around age 11, the fourth stage of cognitive development, the ______ stage, begins. d. by the end of adolescence, individuals have fewer, less selective, less effective neuronal connections than they did as children. 1)Erikson's eight-stage theory - the socially and culturally influenced process of development of the ego or self. In which period of development does an individual's fluid intelligence begin to decline? c. hypertension c. lack of thrust Which of the following sets are the three components of b. delinquency rates among minority groups are higher than average a. alzheimer disease b. If you are uncertain, b. couples who cohabitate after getting engaged experience marital dissatisfaction earlier than the couples who cohabitate earlier d. regular attendance at religious services, Based on data from 2011, which of the following individuals was most likely to get pregnant as a teen? b. realistic thinking b. parkinson disease c. ethnic c. Olivia will have fewer medical problems with pregnancy and childbirth Find a Test Center and Schedule Your Test, Understanding of generally accepted concepts and principles, Understanding of theories and recurrent developmental issues, Applications of knowledge to particular problems or situations, Development of the brain and nervous system, Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory, Environmental, cultural, and genetic influences, Asocial behavior, fears, phobias, and obsessions, Chronic illnesses and physical disabilities.

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psychology human growth and development final exam quizlet