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10 x , WISH 1 try get a little bit closer to 100 words. As the beautiful morning began to arrive, the birds float off their branches into the sunset sky. The damp smell of the earth rising as the misty dew settles from the air around. Although this is more straightforward when describing characters and actions, it can be applied to settings in the way that the protagonists interact with their surroundings. Sam, you have cleverly used the circle writing tip I gave you. STEP 3: Whole Group - Explain to students that the purpose of writing a descriptive setting is to paint a picture for their reader using words.In order for the reader to visualize the story, they . , What type of plants and animals live in the rainforest? Also available for KS1. Something went wrong, please try again later. Full lesson plan for independent writing describing a rainforest setting. STAR 1: Nice description Rainforest animals include mammals such as sloths, tapirs, jaguars, tigers, howler monkeys, spider monkeys and orangutans; reptiles such as caimans and the green anaconda; amphibians such as poison dart frogs and the red-eyed tree frog; and birds such as toucans, macaws and the harpy eagle. WISH-add a metaphor or a simile, deep in the rainforest is bright blue streams and tall trees dark green vines hang from all the branches the mud is as soft as a couch the are big hairy boulders what have millions of moss on them the trees are filled with leaves the streams splash against the trees and boulders most of the rain forest is trees , tees and trees you can hear birds tweeting and rain dropping and the wind and also bushes rattling you can see footsteps from animals, I like all the sounds in your description. Some examples that I used when teaching setting descriptions in Year 5. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Try to put more similes in, you only put in one. Exposing the children to rich vocabulary in preparation for their setting description. F~P@zM$ r MdKY+Kt$]m[e,4-X`k: B@xb/>1^t:,a _}Pm`;40D . Hk v F2Tq>g`xvSv^6:R(!2;#[=8mq0K}T?1P8Un2!6HD/{`I.\Qd\s[u-f[Rn`C K;.FL1aZ rSdy"'(]f# }>*oKCu K _vD[}sBQW 6 #5x X:=l?#0]YY]@fRe|zh t;#u G/n\'d)] LXBR irYRWq.~WlFrh1UNj*qOG%_dJRY $(6 ; cH@diCm;Kjd>~$f#X* `NRYz~&!@T'R- PDF Planning For Character Description Ks1 I slowly, walked through the forest floor of the Amazon rainforest, trying to. Cookies are delicious and ours help make your experience here better. Emergent Layer - very sunny because it is the very top. Star 2 Good use of similes. VAT. Beck Granger is lost in the jungle with no food, no compass, and no hope of rescue. If you are looking for a KS2 WAGOLL, then you have found the right page. From factories to farmlands, freeways to forest, each new landscape is explored through stunning illustrations and poetic text from this award-winning picture-book creator. I like your setting description Lauren. How To Describe The Setting In A Story With Sample. (LogOut/ %PDF-1.7 Pirate Character Description Ks2 - Here is an example from a child . Rainforest Setting Descriptions | Teaching Resources

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