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Narco News Premiers "The Ballad of Ramn Arellano Flix" And the Tijuana where the bloody rivalries of drug traffickers spilled onto city streets, where shifts of power in the hidden underworld pierced the surface in unexpected and often shocking ways. In part, he said: "I can never find the words to apologize for my act. [4][5], On 18 September 1997, Ramon Arellano Flix became the 451st fugitive to be placed on the Ten Most Wanted list. Once thoroughly explained to future generations, it won't be so impressive. The oldest of the Arellano Flix brothers, Rafael was in charge of coordinating the buying, selling, and movements of narcotics on behalf of the cartel, per PBS Frontline. Ramn Arellanos death and the shocking events that followed that year would eventually lead to the collapse of one of the worlds most feared drug cartels. Soon afterwards police announced they had arrested his brother, Benjamin, who was responsible for running the financial side of the cartel. Comfirmation of his identity was delayed because immediately after the shooting, people claiming to be family members retrieved the body and had it cremated. Biography Ramon in 1983 Ramon Arellano Flix was born in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico on 31 August 1964, the brother of Enedina , Francisco Rafael, Carlos, Benjamin, Eduardo, and Francisco Javier. Corona led a death squad for Ramon Arellano-Felix, who in 1997, had been added to the FBI 's 10 Most Wanted list for being an enforcer, deciding who got killed. !hay que reconocer que, Lol @ the comments saying "CAF is coming back"! most violent of the Arellano Flix brothers. . Could they have passed off as AFI and continue on or were they already suspects before being stoped.That is my question. On my last visit, I sat by her bed. The death of the iconic Mexican drug trafficker Ramn Arellano Flixleader of the Tijuana Cartel, turns 20 this Thursday with a deep legacy for his influence on drug culture and the reflection of the failed security strategy.. Anyone? Those bodies looked staged? But they somehow reminded me of each other both strong, independent women who embraced life and didnt back down. Pancho was the nickname Lauro used for his brother. RA died with his glasses on. He was sentenced in 2007 to 22 years in prison for drug trafficking and organized crime charges. Ramon Eduardo Arellano-Felix (Deceased) - United States Department of State For what? She was 50 years old. Did he, too, end up in the grips of drug traffickers? Ortiz was co-founder of the newsweekly Zeta.

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