When you reach 12 visits, the system will not allow you make any further bookings. The most significant changes are that residents may not turn up at the site as they previously did and it should only be used as a last resort. The centre helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfill. Step One: Log on to your local council or local authority's website. Vehicle registration number * Verify registration number * Will you have a trailer? "We have tasked our public protection officers to investigate the sites of fly-tipping, so we have had a number of fixed penalties issued as a result.". Raynesway Recycling Centre 0333 200 6981 A5111 Outer Ring Road Alvaston Derby DE21 7BA Monday, Saturday-Sunday: 8am-6pm Tuesday-Friday: 12pm-6pm . DerbyDE1 2FS, Terms & Conditions Recycling Centre * Date * Time slot * Your slot is not reserved until you submit your request. Once you are at the HWRC, go directly to the meet and greet cabin. How difficult is it? The number of people allowed onto the site at one time will be limited so that social distancing is maintained. You can also cancel or amend an existing booking. Photo credit ITV NewsJust over a year ago, Derby City Council introduced a booking system for Rayneway tip ( Household Waste Recycling Centre - HWRC). Please note: Booking slots will be made available for up to two weeks in advance. Recycling will begin again at the Raynesway waste centre. Bayangol - Mongolia guide From this page it is possible to create an account which requires basic details, address, car registration there is no requirement to put in credit card details ( previously reported elsewhere). Please bring a copy of your booking with you when you visit in case site staff need to check this. If you are not a resident, click here to apply for your Safe Haven Special Exemption Permit, which will allow you access to the street during the restricted times if you require legitimate access. Find out about bin charges. You can to dispose of the following items here: Changes in Weather Patterns: Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change, Rising Sea Levels: Understanding the Impacts and Solutions, Changes in Ecosystems by Global Warming: Understanding the Impacts and Solutions, Copyright 2023 - RecycleAid.co.uk - All Rights Reserved. Click here to purchase a Business Permit permit which will allow you to park in zone controlled areas within limited waiting and pay & display zones. Unless someone is a serial DIYer then the limit of 12 visits per year seems more than adequate. "It is infuriating to see the usage of Raynesway drop since they have put that system in place and the amount of fly-tipping across the city rise. Saturday, Sunday and Monday opening stays the same - 8am to 6pm. How difficult is it? It's also a good idea to sort your recycling before you travel to save time when you arrive. Please do not arrive more than 20 minutes early to the site. All our centres open from 8:30am to 6pm daily (except Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day). It should be disposed of by a private sector waste management company. Check opening times and items accepted. a maximum of three sheets or panels of asbestos, measuring six foot by three foot (1.83m x 0.91m). We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Pay. Step Three: Create a Profile.
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