3.3.3 Assist colleagues to design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents. Community People have learnt to Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. plans put into action is observable in the classroom when the teacher puts paper models The effect of the 3.3.2 Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents. It has a wide variety of responsibilities. On the next seminar, that weve participated last September 22, 2018, at LRV students atrium in the morning and at CDE quadrangle in the afternoon is the seminar Id like so much, compare to the seminar who was conducted before, especially in the afternoon session, though both seminars are very informative and also interesting, the topics in the afternoon session catches my attention. By clicking Send, you agree to our 36, s. 2013). This is the scientific method adapted for action-oriented learningEssentially, the PDSA cycle helps you test out change ideas on a smaller scale before evaluating the results and making adjustments before potentially launching into a somewhat larger scale project (n.d.). 8. Domain 4 addresses teachers knowledge of and interaction with the national and local curriculum requirements. They refer to specific knowledge, skills, attitudes and values stated as curriculum competencies that children must develop as a result of the teaching-learning process, Products and performance targets through which students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have learned, Organized and sequenced set of strategies, activities and tasks that effect learning, Teaching/learning situations and all the circumstances in which learners learn from instruction, Educational curriculum content that is informed by and responsive to the cultural and socioeconomic realities (UNESCO, 2012; 31) of local populations in order to engage students in the learning process, The native language or the first language the learner learns as a child, Subjects or topics taught in schools as prescribed by the Department of Education, Communication that does not involve the use of words, e.g., facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, A form of discipline that avoids the use of punishment such as spanking, verbal abuse and humiliation (see Positive discipline), Reading, writing, and mathematical skills needed to cope with everyday life, Teachers' views, understandings and conceptualization of teaching and learning, Physical space/physical learning environment, Any area conducive to learning which usually includes a safe classroom with appropriate devices for teaching and learning, Non-violent, respectful and diplomatic means of disciplining a learner or managing learner behavior through dialogue and counseling instead of punishment (see Non-violent discipline), Responsible, ethical or appropriate use of ICT to achieve and reinforce learning, Teachers working together with colleagues and other stakeholders to enrich the teaching-learning practice. Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, is composed of seven strands: Domain 2, Learning Environment, consists of six strands: Domain 3, Diversity of Learners, consists of five strands: Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning, includes five strands: Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting, is composed of five strands: Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement, consists of four strands: Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development, contains five strands: Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Career Stages, Domains/Strands/Indicators for Different Career Stages, Domain 6. Identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices Identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue.
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