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Phone: 360-354-3653 Resolving a case using the diversion process can helpyouth and their family access helpful services in our community. Be the first to get new stories sent straight into your inbox. . Volunteering with Community Passageways is a way to invest your skills, heart, and mind into our young people. Juvenile division prosecutor defends Restorative Community Pathways Or do you know someone who would benefit from our programs? Its no Bellingham, WA lawmakers deadlocked as drugs ravage Snohomish County, rest of state, Woman shot in West Seattle, hours after 2 killed on Capitol Hill, Oregon tells a cautionary tale about drugs, but were not listening, fare enforcement disproportionately targets. Cortez Charles. They will be responsible for the direction of RCP, hold a central role in supporting community evaluations of RCP, and support in the distribution of funds. Whether youre are in crisis now, or its after the fact, we have tools and people with experience to help you diagram the situation and build a roadmap. "RCP at its core is a program that provides healing and restoration for youth. Within the first year, RCP aims to divert 400 low-level, first-time juvenile cases to an existing network of restorative justice organizations that provide immediate responses and support for youth and harmed parties. Controversial King County program diverts young offenders from incarceration for certain crimes. , FIRS serves families at the Patricia Clark Child and Family Justice Center and in the community after an arrest orreferral from law enforcement following an incident of family violence. Restorative justice is about public safety. Lily Anderson, Senior Social Worker, or theStep-UpTeam (206)-477-2071, I think we as a society, and especially in America, need to have a come to Jesus moment on what our criminal justice system is actually capable of, Hung said. Hung said the way Dunn and other community leaders have framed restorative justice as being separate or counter to community safety is misguided. To demonstrate this philosophy, he used an example of a situation in which two school students see each other outside of school and one decides he is going to bully the other and take his backpack. Mailing address: But, after seeing the actual effects that incarceration has on people, his view shifted, Hung said. 410 W. Bakerview Rd Suite 110, Rm #145 Seahawks Social Justice | Seattle Seahawks - My proposals for anti-racism and criminal legal system transformation There are a handful of cases where someone might scratch their head and ask, why that kid is being held for a misdemeanor, said Jimmy Hung, who heads the Juvenile Division at the King County Prosecutors Office. Critically, RCP also provides equal resources and support to victims. As part of RCP, youth are able to connect to services and interventions aimed at repairing the harm that they caused and reducing their likelihood of reoffending.

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