With the views of the lake and the yummy shake in hand, life will seem good. Your car/SUV will get extremely dirty. As we were visiting from out of town, our friends invited us to come along. Its a gateway to ski resorts like Snowbasin, Powder Mountain and Nordic Valley. 3 Reasons to Travel from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City You can pay for the experience daily or purchase a year pass. Within minutes of arriving, you can get caught up in conversation with random strangers who are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. There is a train exhibit outside that is supper cool- lately the museum has provided entrance to 2 train cars (the military hospital transit and USPS mail carrier). We usually stop in Malad, Idaho at the convenience store to stretch our legs (it's exactly half way). If you're planning a road trip, I'm sure with the use of a GPS or Google Maps you should be able to find it rather easily. Shoshone 56F. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. From Salt Lake City, our trip continued north toward Idaho Falls for three hours along Interstate 15. Hi thanks for sharing! Manage Settings The views and trails were gorgeous, well groomed and they limit how many tickets were sold so we skied ALONE many times down various green and blue trails. Molly from Jacksonville, Texas asked:Road trip seattle to colorado springs (1 answer). On a clear day, the shades of blue on this lake look too good to be true! Modern museum showcasing exhibits on historic cleaning techniques & tools, with brooms, tubs & more. Smaller museum that's part of the ISU campus. Fly from Salt Lake City (SLC) to West Yellowstone (WYS) 3h 37m $381 - $763 Cheapest Train, bus, drive Take the train from North Temple Station to Ogden Station Take the bus from Ogden, UT to Rexburg Take the bus from Rexburg, ID to Island Park Drive from Island Park to Old Faithful 9h 54m $69 - $126 Fly to Jackson, drive Road conditions from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City The largest water holding area is very hot, with the other pools declining in heat, yet hot. Road conditions from Salt Lake City to Idaho