The Sangamon County Circuit Clerks Office is responsible for maintaining the records of the Circuit Court. Birth Records for Genealogical Purposes Yes, but only those that are 75 years or older. On-line DBA Application (valid ID is required) Economic Interest Units of Local Government, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Information, County Board Appointed Boards and Commissions, Available Positions (Fire Protection Districts), Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Low Income Sewer Assistance Program (LISAP), Community Services Block Grant Advisory Council, Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Creed, Available Positions - Fire Protection Districts, Americans With Disabilities Act Right-of-Way Transition Plan, Participating Pharmacies in Springfield and Surrounding Areas, Commission Minutes and Other Core Documents, Circuit and Associate Judges of the Seventh Circuit, Sangamon County Reentry Resource Guide for Returning Citizens, Independent Assessment Report Regarding SCSAO Internal Review - Former SPD Officer #584, Stale Date Checks, Unclaimed Refunds and Other Funds, Open Meetings Act Employee Compensation Report, Current Fiscal Year General Fund Revenue Budget, Current Fiscal Year Budgeted Appropriations By Fund, Open Meetings Act-Employee Compensation Report. In the same period, murder (160%), rape (31%), aggravated assault (3.7%), and motor vehicle theft (94.7%) rates increased. 801 South 7th Street Once you have found the The building houses the Circuit Court, the Circuit Clerks Office, and other county offices. 217 753-6674, Contact Us by Email This resource is not available in your region. The locations of these courts are: Sangamon County Circuit Court Application to be a Poll Worker Follow the steps shown below. The public can access all unsealed court files online from the case search page on the Circuit Court Clerk's website. If you need to visit the Circuit Court or the Circuit Clerks Office, you can find them on the first floor of the building. For more information, please call (217) 753-6700 or come to Room 101 of the Sangamon County Complex, 200 S. Ninth Street, Springfield, IL 62701 or e-mail by clicking here. following: Also note that if your search returns more than 300 results, you will be asked All fees collected by the Circuit Clerk are mandated by law. Fax: (217) 789-2367. Case Numbers:A list of case information should display on the page. Alternatively, send a money order by mail to the jail address above. A confirmation page will be emailed to you after you have successfully completed the transaction. Therefore, law enforcement officers have specific court dates to set citations each month. You can access case information for free hereRECORDS. at the Sangamon County Circuit Clerk's office for a fee of $4.00 per year. Valid Driver's License All fees collected by the Circuit Clerk are mandated by law. Do not continue if the birth did not occur in Sangamon County. Users are allowed to print uncertified copies of these records from the online database free of charge. If you chose to upload your valid ID, you will be directed to the Epay site upon successful submission of your ID.
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