Understand the workings of the Tippit killing, and you will understand the assassination of JFK. His father, Santo Trafficante Senior, was a leading figure in the Mafia. While looking at the JFK coup, think of it as a layered cake each layered covered in its own shroud of functions and operations. Maybe the mob didnt lean on him. Oswald asked about was L.S.D. In fact, Fair Play for Cuba had been all over the media, connected with Oswald, since before 4:00 p.m. Its true, but in fact Ruby wasnt connected with the media for attending the press conference and seemed to be well connected with the Dallas Police Department for entering on time in the basement of its Headquarters. Spoiled by mobsters, Meyer Lansky's daughter recalls family men, not Download Full Book A Legacy Of Secrets PDF/Epub Santo Trafficante - Ancestry.com We need to access the information that has been denied for over 50 years. This time he is selling the story of Trafficante and Castro as secret allies, which is an even bigger crock of shit than what he told Summers. Stop by when youre in town. My own idea is that Trafficante would not risk calling Ruby himself. what this shady, sleazy character with over 20 arrests (usually for violent crimes) in his background was doing interrupting the DA in the middle of his press conference, a press conference to which he should never have been admitted. Ruby asked for Joseph Campisi to visit him in jail, a few days after he killed Oswald. If O would have been killed in the theater none of us would have ever heard of Ruby. Trafficante admitted his anti-Castro activities to the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, and vehemently denied allegations that he had knowledge of a plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Dusty, toss Laredo and Mexico into your post and it will be near perfect. for the record? I dont have any basis for gauging her credibility as of yet, but I think her statements are worth exploring. Trafficante in Miami: "He Had the Clout" - Miami New Times