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Multilevel analysis. ; Kola, E.; Morenikeji, W.; Filho, W.L. The statistical tests presume that the succeeding data in the series are independent in order to identify a trend in a time series. The influence of La Nina on African rainfall. Zdori N, Vncsa S, Farkas N, et al. This is a preview and has not been published. Mdszer: A COVID19-mortalits felntt letkori A plet,III. 8 Best Paid Scopus Indexed Journals 2021, Fast Publication - YouTube (unokaccse, Svnyhzy gost Orv Hetil. 2021]. Termszettud Kzl. 774787. Therefore, it is clear that a more vulnerable environment will be favourable to migration phenomenon. This study performed an experimental investigation of asphalt concrete with and without fiberglass geogrid reinforcement, using specimens in the laboratory and in situ. The following formula estimates the slope of , Even when the means of two data series are very dissimilar from one another, the coefficient of variation, which measures the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, can be used to compare the degree of variation between the two. 117: 1611816120. You can pay fees through by your debit card / credit card / Net banking, (online payment Fast, Secure and best option of payment using this paper publish within 1 day), Payment link 2 Paypal Payment Link 3 for Payment, Payment Link 4 pay 55 USD as equivalent to 4000 INR, For Bank transfer follow this link only. [accessed: Download HR here], Some updated stats about ETASR (April 29, 2023):- Editorial Board: 46 board members / 46 institutions / 31 different countries- 13th year of operation, 74 issues (bimonthly, first issue in Feb. 2011)- 1786 published papers, 5595 authors (3.13 authors per paper) from 79 different countries and 980 different institutions/organizations (not counting departments)- 12010 registered readers from 112 different countries- mean number of Crossref citations per paper: 4.16- days to acceptance: 47.

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