Same with me Now Im sort of trying it out but its kinda hard especially with blurred vision . We say there is a touch of divine intervention there, the cosmology does play a role. It makes them interesting and adventurous. Can look green, blue, or purple. She is beautiful in a sensual way. The key is that the eyes should look like glass. Interesting about AquariusI had noticed this about Paul Newman, too. They set their sights on long-term objectives, and work steadily and quietly toward making their dreams realities. When we speak about the representatives of the Scorpios sign , we recollect unusual people with difficult or even tragical destiny. I dont make eye contact but I can view someone and their intentions using peripheral vision ^^. No its not the signs, the planets aspecting the moon is what reflects in the eyes and the eye shape and Im surpriced this very crusial and also basic information is left out if thise kind of posts? I am such a beautiful bowl of complication that I am forever learning about myself. hi i am also a scorpio too and i agree the things you wrote up. I totally agree! More often than not, the Scorpio woman is busy with her own ambitions and relationship; and will have very little time to make friends. Intense? (LogOut/ Likewise their hair can be slick and poker straight, or slightly disheveled. Like no cockiness at all but if i want sumthing more like sum 1 ill get em . Their reflection, like a mirror, makes their eyes look like shards of glass. Ive been so patient for him because I know hes the one and I love him more than Ive ever loved before. I guess youre not the only scorpio who got that, I just had the same thing with my supposed to be best friend, I used to call her all the time and ask for her, i was there when she needed me, but when i needed her (i lost my dad last year) she just texted me twice, but i was okey with it after a while. Born in England, so no time on birth certificate. I also have arched eyebrows one higher than the other. Find someone who can handle it. (13 years of friendshipall gone away! Pisces are kind, caring, thoughtful, and intuitive people constantly prepared to lend a helping hand where required. And the weirdest part is my eyes its like i feel this kind of hypnotizing feeling wen i look sum 1 in the eyes its so sexual and pretty much how to seal the deal and after i do that enuff times its a wrapp .honestly i cant lie its kinda scary b4 i knew anything about bein a scorpio id always say i think im psychic i knew that was gonna happen or i have a gut feeling im not goin and its always right .
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