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} box-shadow: 0 0px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19) !important; } text-align: left !important; } justify-content: center; /* Home ICON section font-weight: 400; .only-mobile { section.section.home-icons-section.light-content { font-size: var(--text-title); Doorstops work best when you need to keep an interior door closed and want to prevent someone from entering your room or office suddenly. margin-right: 9px !important; Currently, there are a lot of options for barricading a door. .mai-aec-header-before > .wrap { @font-face { .propg { Similarly, the Lockdown 2 lock handle slides into the door attachment and wraps around the doorframe. flex-direction: column; } font-weight: 400 !important; Outward-swinging doors do present a security challenge, but its a challenge that can be met with some creative solutions and the appropriate security tools. Stay Safe and Secure this Holiday Season! margin-top: -75px !important; /* Yotpo Reviews In other areas, where hurricane-force winds and other weather events make outward-swinging doors a safety necessity, their use is aimed at keeping the interior of the home safer from the elements. It works just as promised. NO METAL DOORS! } The best door security device for swinging doors is the Nightlock Original Door Lock Barricade. You can choose one of the door upgrades or combine them for the most reliable protection option. .site-footer.text-sm { (window.wpmDataLayer = window.wpmDataLayer || {}).products = window.wpmDataLayer.products || {} Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Install a Latch Guard Reinforce the Door Hinges } When you make the upgrades in this article, a potential intruder wont be able to access your home. font-weight: 400 !important; .mai-aec > .wrap:empty { Door Barricade | Night Lockdown 1 | Door Floor Plate Because of this, extra attention needs to be paid to the hinge and locking mechanism to secure the outward-opening door in place. } Plus, it can be used for an inward opening door as well. font-size: 16px !important; Most schools prefer positioning near the door or at the teachers desk. The door can only be lifted when it is fully open, which will disengage the flange. text-align: center; It also becomes an insurance issue with the voiding of warranties. These doors also have a larger hinge for criminals to use to pry the door open. Plus, a monitored alarm system may earn a significant discount on homeowners insurance policy premiums, potentially offsetting some of the costs of the security measures. And if you cannot be confident that your barricade is durable enough to keep an assailant from forcing the door open, it will only be a source of worry rather than security. .mai-aec > .wrap { Because of this, many have sought to create specific lockdown devices for classrooms and offices. .home-top-door-direction { color: #fed109; for pricing and availability. color: black; } TheSleeve2s compact design allows you to keep it wherever is convenient for you. } font-style: normal; Meets UL 10C Testing for Fire-Rated Doors, Overall dimensions: Length Varies x 2-5/8 width x 4-3/4 height, Door Plate: 4-3/4 length x 1-3/4 width x 5/8 thick, Made of solid, extruded 6000 series structural Aluminum.

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security door stopper for doors that open outward