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He also has to be rightabout everything. As a supportive husband, he should not make you feel like youre the only one who has to eat healthy, exercise, and control your cravings. Do you always ask them to buy weird foods, expect them to brush your hair, or sometimes cry over the silliest things? We should do all of these not just because its part of his responsibilities but because hes happy to do it and hes as excited as you. And it is not your fault. , youll understand each other and meet halfway. Instead of focusing on each others shortcomings, remind yourselves that you should work together. This is where they shut down and may need to be more supportive. But it just doesnt occur to him to say something genuine and complimentary just because. 23. 3. 3. 4-step plan for when your husband is unsupportive during pregnancy Step 1 - be safe. However, you can change your response to him, which can have a bigger impact than you might think. 4. Red flags, such as verbal, physical and emotional abuse, arent normal and you should take action. And I say it's because you're sweating to death.". 2022 All Rights Reserved. He doesnt thank you or show appreciation. Keep shouting and screaming to a minimum. Disagreements about the color of the babys room or how youre feeling that your partner is not giving you TLC can still be addressed by talking and compromising. Explain to them how their jokes are making your daughter feel. So, we key into that when we make babies. Its not a teachable moment for him; he just thinks youre being mean and taking your petty frustration out on him. Watch this video to learn ways to overcome any fear of sexual intimacy: Pregnancy can be stressful for many women as they undergo physical, emotional and hormonal changes. 100 Pregnancy Quotes for Moms-to-Be - Parade Was this pregnancy an attempt to save your failing marriage or relationship? Selfishness Quotes. Feeling blue. Being pregnant is the most beautiful thing that you and your husband can share. After all, you think of them as your partner, especially now that you will have a baby. His disrespect is a reaction to being rejected. I also chatted about this on my podcast (click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts). Selfish husband- is it even worth it? - Relationships | Forums | What That will only make them defensive. If this is not your first baby, they may start recalling how you seemed oblivious to their needs in previous pregnancies.

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