For other uses, see, "Three-leaf clover" redirects here. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. [27] Why the Celts to whom St Patrick was preaching would have needed an explanation of the concept of a triple deity is not clear, since at least two separate triple goddesses are known to have been worshipped in pagan Ireland - riu, Fdla and Banba; and Badb Catha, Macha and The Morrgan. Old First Ward Shamrock Run Results Air Quality Poor. Please e-mail ourVolunteer Coordinator for more information. Distance: 4.97 Miles (runners or joggers only, no walkers) 10:00am until 7:30pm. Finishing third was LYNDY DAVIS (00:59:37). All Results. Portland, OR - 8k Run | Shamrock Run Runners hit the road beginning at 8 a.m. Sunday. [20], What is clear is that by the end of the sixteenth century the shamrock had become known to English writers as a plant particularly associated with the Irish, but only with a confused notion that the shamrock was a plant eaten by them. She finished 22 seconds ahead of SARAH REITER. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); In order to use RunSignup, your browser must accept cookies. unless the Race Director tells us otherwise. Saint Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints, is said to have used it as a metaphor for the Christian Holy Trinity. A full list of results for all the races can be found on the 2022 Shamrock Run Portland webpage. Click the Accept Cookie Policy button below to accept the use of cookies on your browser. The timing website with full and official results can be found here. Starting at SW Pine and Naito, 8K runners will head north on Naito, passing the Burnside, Steel, Broadway, and Fremont Bridges as they transition onto NW Front Avenue. To a herbalist like Gerard it is clear that the shamrock is clover, but other English writers do not appear to know the botanical identity of the shamrock.
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