I know the cyrillic alphabet already. Due to being a Slavic language, Ukrainian is one of the hardest languages to learn by native English speakers. Historically as I understand it (although I have not studied this question), the Orthodox Church and Old Church Slavonic had a major influence on the evolution of Slavic languages. Great resources. However, these languages are connected by history and geography, even though they belong to three different language families. In fact, according to the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) of the US government, an English speaker would need about 1100 class hours or 44 weeks of practice to become fluent in Ukrainian. The fact that it is slow-paced is an advantage for the complete beginner. 3. As I already speak Russian, Ukrainian grammar was very familiar but the vocabulary was not obvious as it is a lot closer to Polish than I had expected. I don't recommend that you buy the whole course, however. You will be able to talk (and sing!) Choose a program in English or French languages, and learn Ukrainian as an independent course. I have found the Ukrainian language version of Orest Subtelnys history of Ukraine, in Ukrianian, both in ebook form and audiobook form. Ukrainian is an Eastern Slavic language related to Russian, Belorussian and Polish. Another thing that I firmly believe is that culture and language are not in any way associated with our genes or DNA, so language doesnt equal some kind of ethnic division necessarily. She is currently expl more about Diana. Its true that sometimes Serbian and Croatian are more similar than the standard language and its dialect BUT there is no such thing as Serbo-Croatian language. As soon as you've finished the text, I recommend that you go have a look at your collection of yellow words (or "LingQ's" as they're called). Thats because bilingual employees are more valuable to a company. Should I learn Polish before Ukrainian, or Ukrainian before Polish? You need to pick up a beginner's course for Ukrainian and get into a daily study routine. Don't let the perceived difficulty of the language stop you from gaining more opportunities or forming meaningful relationships and connections with others. Are you interested in pets? Since there are 38 million people living in Poland today, you'll surely find a lot of people to talk to. Generally if a subject or theme is difficult to grasp when you read it in English, not because of vocabulary, but because of the subject matter being difficult; Don't bother reading it in Ukrainian. This is a subreddit for people looking to learn Ukrainian and all things related to Ukrainian language and culture. 11 Spanish Audiobooks You Can Listen to for Free, How Did A 4-Year Old Girl Learn 7 Languages, Why I Speak Russian and How It Will Change Your Life. I recommend that you do one lesson per day in your Teach Yourself book. Personally, Id say it is both. That's not what I recommend. The Polish alphabet includes certain additional letters formed using, in the letters , , , , and through the letter in ; the, With respect to pronunciation, it is pretty regular in Polish. This is done with a mathematical algorithm based on something called the forgetting curve. Edited by Liz O. Baylen and Mike Benoist. I am glad to have embarked on my journey into the world of Slavic languages, now five counting my brief exposure to Slovak (recently added to LingQ). Constantly looking up things in a dictionary is extremely frustrating. People with whom I went to school and with whom I grew up spoke Bosnian and Serbian.