Sigma Tau Delta - Home positions May 1-31. Sally was inducted into the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame during the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International's 28th International Nursing Research Congress in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday, 29 July 2017. Sigma guarantees that any changes requested by the standard registration deadline will be made. To see requirements for induction in STTI, click on About Us and How to Join for more details. The member rate applies only to active Sigma members who have paid membership dues for the 20222023 year. Awards - Recognizing achievements and contributions to nursing. Every day women in third world countries walk an average of 3.4 miles to collect clean water for the familys needs. Research - Sigma research opportunities help contribute to the advancement of clinical practice through evidence-based nursing. My vision is to promote, preserve, and improve chapter membership, operations and community service, through strategic planning, chapter management, membership engagement, and leadership development. As a four-time recipient, Epsilon Nu at-Large Chapter will receive one Chapter Key Award key at the 46th Biennial Convention, November 2021, in Indianapolis, Indiana. PechaKucha is the ideal tool to share passions and drop some knowledge and is the latest addition to the presentation options available at Sigma events. Sigma Theta Tau International is the international honor society in nursing that promotes excellence in academic scholarship, research, and clinical nursing. funding for research projects up to $500. English honor society for students at accredited colleges and universities that grant baccalaureate or higher degrees. The call for abstracts is open forSigma's largest event, our biennial convention, featuring outstanding plenary speakers, networking opportunities, over 800 oral and poster presentations, and the opportunity to travel to the city of authenticity, with a colorful culture stemming from a history of diversity. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. 11-15 November 2023 | San Antonio, Texas, USA European Regional Conference - EuropeRegionalWebsite