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Click here for ultrasound mod. YWJlOGFiNjRmMWEyNGIwNDk4YWU5ODAzNzFjN2I3ZmIxNzZlZGQ0ZGI4MGIz *If you only look at one career mod on this list, check out #24. All Rights Reserved. So your sim better have a healthy savings account or still be living with their parents to get started in this career field. The creator mentions that this mod was inspired by the new realistic childbirth mod, (which you can find on my best pregnancy mods list!) With this mod, you can make their pregnancies unique and unforgettable. OBGYN Resident?70/HR 5AM-9PM M T TH F S SUYou're well on your way to becoming an OBGYN, but first you must get through your residency. N2IzZThlM2Y2ZmJhNmJjOGMxYWEyNzgwZTNjNTZjZDExZjdlMjYzMzA4ZTU1 Make your sim a part of a crime-solving team with a career inForensics. Imagine this: You have a sim who wasnt all that great in school, but is super handy. This career mod overhauls the sims 4 career pay rate system and promotion goals. This job mod enables kids to have their own little side hustle to earn some pocket money. This career mod requires the Get To Work expansion pack and the Toddler Stuff pack to work. This mod will allow you to take on the role of an adventurer, traveling the world in search of treasure and danger. Members. Why does being a chocolatier sound so fancy & prestigious? N2Y3NTUyMDllYTE0OWEyZjY5OGI1N2YzZGRjMjljYjE4YWUxNDg1MzQ5NmEw Plopsy is the Sims version of Etsy and as much as I like the idea of it, I dont find myself using it very much during gameplay. Copying it will cost your sim 25 simoleons. This career mod requires the City Living expansion pack and Paranormal stuff pack to work. MjM0NjQyZmI4ZjU4ZGMxYTg0NWNjYmY0MzA5ODllNWJmODdhNThiNWVlYmNj Did you enjoy todays mod? No matter what your interests are, you would find something matching to you! Sadly, this job is a rabbit hole career mods where your sim goes away to work and comes back after 4-7 hours. Like the previous careers listed for KiaraSims4Mods, youll need to install theWork Interactions Pie Menumod.

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