The jaws are elongated and armed with sharp teeth. While the fry are not difficult to rear on things like small insects, daphnia, and other suitably sized live foods, they are notoriously cannibalistic. A high variation of maximum size has not been observed for this fish. Their primary habitat is inland wetlands, and they are restricted to freshwater. large predatory fishes I recommend you try these fish, but not If youre planning to house a school of these small red fish in a 5-gallon aquarium, I recommend checking my top picks for tiny water heaters. Your aquarium size shouldnt be less than 5 gallons. Although active, they are very timid when fewer or alone. Alligator gar are generalist carnivores known to eat crabs, turtles, birds, and small mammals. Id call it a down-to-earth fish. All of this on top of how rare this fish is. Offering any sort of meat to these fish may actually harm their digestive system. As a side note: there are some small plecos in the hobby that feed on wood and other plant matter. It would be difficult to discuss aquarium pikes without mentioning these popular fish. Oddly enough, while they will happily eat smaller fish, their natural diet consists of crustaceans, and reports to the contrary in many aquarium books are erroneous. Do not place alongside aggressive tank mates though. Tropical gars reach sexual maturity at 13 15 inches (33 38 cm). Habitat They live in freshwater lakes and brackish water in and around swamps, and coastal areas, as well as the sluggish backwaters of streams and rivers. Aquariums of the size required to house an adult Spotted Gar are not readily available through popular retailers. places from where they can stalk their prey. Bear this in mind when you are deciding on your fish tanks size. Identification Tropical gar have short, broad snouts and nostrils at the front of the muzzle. Needlefish are well namedyou will be hard pressed to find any other fish as long and narrow as these! Some gars grow to over 10 feet in length and simply cannot be kept in home aquariums. The Mind of Shadow. I have one and it very fun to see it eat, it is very fast. Crabs and shrimp are also a common diet staple for the Spotted Gar. Socially, they remain at peace with other tankmates.
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