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The test is done through a simple, non-invasive blood draw from the mothers arm, so there is no risk to the baby. I was impressed by the customer service and speed of results. Vanishing twin syndrome: what it is and what causes it Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. How accurate is a boy result from sneak peak? When in my pregnancy can I take the SneakPeek Test? I accidentally touched the swab head with my fingers. Can I use SneakPeek if I am having a multiple-birth pregnancy? The accuracy rate of 99.9% is among the highest in the industry, and the customer service is superb. When is SneakPeek Customer Care available? All rights reserved. With this option, your test is prioritized at the lab and you will receive your results sooner. You cant wait to hold your little one and begin your new journey. SneakPeaks clinical study results are based on testing over 365,000 samples and demonstrate a 99.9% accuracy rate. The test kit has many positive reviews on Amazon as well as the Sneak Peek website. I was 9 weeks and had given enough blood but things like clotting or drying out can happen during shipping so that was probably my issue. If these chromosomes are detected, it is determined that the mother is carrying a boy. I also had 2 inconclusives, about the same timing as you. My last one was at 7w5d with a heart rate of 175, so Im hoping everything is okay! In the case of identical twins, if male DNA is found, then both babies are boys. All materials used for SneakPeek testing should be disposed of safely and properly after each use. I didnt know that! I was 11w1d along when the photos were taken. I am so bummed :( my sneak peek test came back inconclusive. I wouldn't do the in home kit, way too many things can cause an error or false read. Hi! As opposed to traditional methods of detecting multiples such as ultrasound, their technology is more accurate and can detect a twin or multiples pregnancy as early as seven weeks into pregnancy. The test comes with a small device that is used to prick your finger and collect the blood sample. The office I go to won't do it before 9.5weeks. Also once youre done dont forget to flip the tube upside down and hit it on the table to break up clots and then they have you flip it 10x. Sneak Peek Gender Test - All of Your Questions Answered! The test claims to detect fetal DNA after 8 weeks. How are the SneakPeek Traits reports developed? Typically, youll need to purchase a collection kit, which contains everything you need for the test. The company uses non-invasive prenatal blood testing to detect the presence of two or more separate babies in the womb. Based on studies, tattoos have not been shown to affect the blood sample or results of the Sneak Peek test. If youre dying to know your babys gender, you can save $10 on your order through this link. But now Im wondering if I just got scammed lol, I was 9 weeks but I also have a male cat and husband that has been everywhere in the house so I believe it was contamination ugh.

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