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Yes, I can spot a fraud a mile away. Lol.. my moon in libra 11th house and mars in libra R 11th house too I am social or im not.. again depending on my mood. The UN thing would also give her access to classified information on war atrocities, another thing I am quite sure floats her boatit was no surprise to me at all that her first attempt at directing was a movie about rape camps in Bosnia; I am sure she thoroughly enjoyed doing the research it was reported some time ago that she had a HUGE collection of gruesome crime scene photos plastered all over her apartment. For example, a trine to Saturn suggests a generally stable emotional attitude this year. I have a terrible temper but it hasnt frightened any of my friends away as you expressed from your observations. Astrologer, Writer, Dream Analyst This enables you to plan, make decisions and take actions that affect your life during the year and possibly beyond. You are more willing to take risks this year. Check if has changed direction Saturn moves an average of about 12 degrees each year in the solar return . I had to get a child Leash for which I made her wear for about 3 years when we went out Walmart was beginning to get ready to make that code Adam when they saw us arrive after what 5 visits. Guess all these expressions would be inward. What Sign was your first wifes conjunction in? Next: Solar Returns: How to Interpret The Houses. I was scrupulous in avoiding sisters boyfriends; they often slept with mine. You look to satisfy your sweet tooth for pleasure. I have a moon conjunct mars not even a degree apart in the 6th house, I feel a brunt of negative mars/moon in my relationships though. Hard aspects to Uranus have the effect of speeding up the emotional reactions. She is selfish and rude and utterly insincere and YES her behavior lately is too OMGish !!! Im a Leo Sun myself so I would like to think I know where she comes from, but there have been times where I just want to go full at it and show her who shes dealing with so she wont forget. The odds are, youll also be writing and talking about them too. You feel a lot of desire this year. And, you use only one-degree orbs? The short descriptions in this post are taken from my book on Solar Returns, Solar Returns: An Introduction which is now available from in kindle and paperback editions . I detest Angelina Jolie. and I always have to stop and turn it around by using my ANGRY SHADOW MOM VOICE-Thats something no one wants to hear not even myselfbut its compelled and pulled out of me-her friends end up coming to the door-sorry we cant find her heres her shoeswe had a fight..Shes later found hiding in theyre DRYER?????? The 5th House is associated with attraction, flirting and brand new involvements, but it is not associated with commitment. Men are free to dissect and analyze US at length, but where are the in-depth dissections of MEN by WOMEN? And yes, no doubt the Virgo Sun has something to do with the fact that you are not as much of a perverse jerk as the aspect would tend to indicate; the situation of every other planet in your natal chart in aspect to this Moon/Mars aspect plus the HOUSE POSITION strongly affects the ultimate expression of the aspect; fr instance, if it is situated in the Seventh House, you would tend to ATTRACT perverse jerks, rather than BE one yourself. I understand there is a counterbalance to every view, thats all I was offering to Alan Leos view. Of course many abusers have of course been abused too. I was dating someone briefly over the Summer with a moon/mars conjunction in Taurus 27. It is a period of dreams for the futurean excellent year in which to come up with progressive new ideas.

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