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margin: 0 !important; Individuals who offer a Connection should be prepared to start the discussion, meal plan or activity, and let the group take it from there, and should not plan to present a lecture or promote a product. Print a copy of the guidelines and use the information to prepare your submissions. opportunity. chance. Presentations about industry trends or how-to talks can make a large impact on the audience. Proposals will not be considered from program vendors unless they are presented in conjunction with the client. Session title 150-word narrative abstract Outline illustrating the format of the session Three learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms. One-page summary of thepresenterseducation and work experience, that includes the presenters name, title, education and certification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address.4. Join us October 24-27 at the Madison Concourse and Governor's Club in Madison, WI. Brief description of the Connection (i.e., the discussion topic, meal or activity proposed), including a title3. .google-search table{ Panel Discussions may address topics related to the conference theme or other current critical health promotion topics. } Type of equipment and space required (Activities that require little or no equipment will be given priority. While we can only accommodate a small number of X-TALK requests, we welcome you to submit an idea for consideration using the form on this page. Stay informed about the Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference and other special announcements. Watch twelve sessions of powerful new talks. Evolve Tech Conference Date: September 27-29, 2023 Where: Las Vegas, NV Price: $260 one-day pass / $525 full conference Interested in presenting a session at FleetCon 2023? Attendees learn about a companys expertise firsthand and can interact directly with the speaker immediately before or after the presentation. Intervention (if appropriate): Describe the intervention you tested.c. 6 Ways to Find Awesome Speaking Opportunities in Your Field April 19-21, 2023 | Baltimore, MD. Submissions close for Smart Energy Decisions' 2023 events as follows: Net Zero Forum (Spring): December 30, 2022. 2023 Speaking Opportunities. Compensation: ITS presenters will receive reimbursement for hotel accommodations and round-trip transportation to the conference for all approved speakers plus a stipend based on the number of people who register for their ITS. Speaker Opportunities. Poster presenters will be recognized on their name tags as aconference speaker. line-height: 1rem; Our event team will then contact you if your suggestion is selected. Get added to our email listto

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