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The District went through the public bid process with only one bidder from overseas whom never responded after multiple attempts as well as a certified mailing. Merchandise purchased can be picked up on the auction day or up to 3 working days following the auction from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Welcome to United Country Brown's Auction and Reality Co, a family owned and operated business since 1970, is based in southwest Louisiana approximately 8 . After the sale, various bidders approached the Parish to purchase portions of the property. Police Jury leased a garbage truck in 2011. The monthly auction of state surplus items was held Saturday, July 8, 2017 at the Division of Administration's Louisiana Property Assistance Agency on Brickyard Lane. The city owns a 12 year old K9 which needs to be retired. The Sheriff's office does provide security for the school. Previously operated under the name Sencore Auction Service from 1976 until 1991, the company split in 1991 into two entities: ServCorp International, Inc. and Sencore Properties. . A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a users computer for record-keeping purposes. The auctions are held on the SECOND Saturday of each month. See How to Purchase Surplus Property for more information. It is currently running at 40% capacity and is quickly deteriorating. The Department also has a collection of surplus items taking up space in its warehouse. How do we sell a small building appraised at $5,200? The Parish, as the pass through for the grant, was the mortgage holder of the grantees property that was used as collateral for a loan under the grant program. The 2023 Annual Spring Surplus Vehicle & Heavy Equipment Auction is scheduled for May 13, 2023. I have recently been tasked with overseeing the disposal of surplus movable assets of my agency. Is this okay to do? The Board will declare it as surplus at the July 20th meeting. Fire District # 4 wants to transfer an ambulance to Fire District #1. Anyone can bid on great deals from local, county, and state government agencies, schools, authorities, and more. +1.66. I believe we have to have a resolution at a Board meeting to sell the plane, advertise the minimum bid three times 30 days prior to sale and accept sealed bids opened at the next board meeting. $200.00. Auctions in Louisiana LA - Upcoming Live and Online Louisiana auctions Q.1. Is that permissible? One bidder faxed her bid to the library. III. The local government wants to keep the item up for bid on the auction website; however, in a non-internet auction, when an item fails to receive the minimum bid, after rejecting that bid, the entity would normally schedule a 2nd auction on another day for that surplus property, which would be advertised again. What procedures should a type 1 charter school, which is not undergoing dissolution, use in disposing of surplus property in order to purchase updated equipment?

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