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Then he made a couple of missteps. Significant matters in which he has played a major role include representation of: General Motors Corporation in the GM-Toyota joint venture, air bag safety, and Cadillac V8-6-4 litigation; The Gillette Company in a takeover contest; General Electric Company in a grand jury defense of a procurement investigation; Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. in product liability litigation; the directors of Northrop Corporation in a grand jury investigation of alleged misconduct abroad by Northrop; the Dart Group Corporation in a highly publicized corporate governance dispute; and First American Corporation and First American Bankshares, Inc. in proceedings and investigations arising from the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Though Enrich interviewed virtually all the key players, including McGahn and prominent former Jones Day partners Ben Ginsberg and Don Ayer, Brogans voice is silent. Boris Epshteyn, described by the Times as one of Mr. Trumps chief attack dogs and television talking heads during the presidential campaign, recently left his post as assistant director of communications. SERVANTS OF THE DAMNED: Giant Law Firms, Donald Trump, and the Corruption of Justice. Details here. P.C. Money, however, didn't stop Jones from forcing his son Stephen, the Executive Vice President and CEO of the Cowboys, from interviewing for a job at Wendy's. The leadership came from Steve Brogan, who is a trustee of Notre Dame. His disclosure form doesnt list his income in that post because officials must disclose income only from positions outside the federal government, but online databases show he earned just under $170,000 in that job. Reprint, March 2018 Throughout a near half-century of service to the Firm, he has been the person most responsible for transforming Jones Day from a high-quality national law firm with a Midwestern base into a uniquely integrated global law partnership, in which attorneys throughout all offices work collaboratively to provide the highest level of client service.". Although he was probably going to lose anyway. This source told me that Jones Dayalso offers SCOTUS clerks above-market base salaries (even after giving them seniority credit for their clerkships) which other firms generally dont do, but JD canbecause of its black box system.

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