Visit Straight Talk Support Visit Net10 Support Visit Tracfone Support Have support questions? Calls must originate from the US, or Puerto Rico. They even gave me a number that belongs to someone named Ernest. You can set up the voicemail box in a few simple steps: With a capacity of up to 30 messages, with 3 min recording capacity for each, and the Community Phone landline base alerting you when your voicemail box is full, responding to missed calls and managing voicemail is super-easy. Here are some benefits you can enjoy when you join the Community Phone family: Unlimited nationwide calling and text: Stay in touch with loved ones, business associates, employees, and customers across the US with Community Phone's unlimited talk and text. She is able to dial out with no problem, but all incoming calls get the message about the voicemail not being set up and her phone does not ring at all. 505 Van Ness Avenue If you: Don't have a clear dial tone: The problem is with the AT&T network. Unlimited international calls are available to landline and mobile numbers in select destinations only, which are subject to change at any time. She is without service and it should be on, @MyStraightTalk Your service is deplorable and the only thing worse is the Nokia phone you sold me. *Refer to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at Statistics reveal that an average American lost $577 in 2022 to phone scams, an increase from $507 in 2021. I told the person to call me back but when they did, the alarm sound started again. Transfer your landline number to a cell phone. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The most recent Straight Talk outage reports came from the following cities: Im now on day 7 of my phone number being owned by both @MyStraightTalk and @ATT . AND my data speeds have suddenly gone down to almost nothing. The carrier maintains and provides it and uses it when your SIM tries to connect to the network tower. I bought a $90 2 line unlimited plan for my kids. Credit card and Account required for enrollment. Anyone else have any probs setting this up? Customer service continues to disconnect the call with no support. See if the problem still exists. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. 6. Results may vary. Since the problem is intermittent, Straight Talk has not been able to encounter it so does not have anything to work with to figure out the problem. Repeat until all of the equipment has been successfully added (you may have more than one piece of equipment causing interference). Another notable benefit of our wireless system is the ease of moving your services across town or across the country. Followed activation steps & no service on device.
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