24 She cried a cry of anguish, as to reduce all things to naught. 22 Cast, then, upon me, O my God, the glances of Thy mercy, and forgive me my trespasses and the trespasses of them that are dear to Thee, and which come in between us and the revelation of Thy triumph and Thy grace. 9 Praise be to Thee, O my God, that Thou hast revealed Thy favours and Thy bounties; and glory be to Thee, O my Beloved, that Thou hast manifested the Day-Star of Thy loving-kindness and Thy tender mercies. 5 Shedding forth from earth to heaven its resplendent rays. 6 Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! 2 This is the ninth day of Rivn, O my God, and on this day one of Thy loved ones hath, as a token of his love for Thy Beauty and in the eagerness of his devotion to Thee, invited Him Who is the Manifestation of Thy Self and the Dayspring of Thy glory to leave His room in the prison for another. Thou, verily, hast power over all things. 2 Methinks that thou hast halted and movest not upon My Tablet. What is it that hath so sorely bewildered thee? All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! By Thy might! Blessed, then, be He Who, through this Revelation, hath attracted the hearts of the well-favoured of the Lord! Lo, the entire creation hath passed away! 15 Look not upon the creatures of God except with the eye of kindliness and of mercy, for Our loving providence hath pervaded all created things, and Our grace encompassed the earth and the heavens. Links to specific locations in a text can be obtained by clicking on the blue box which appears when the mouse cursor is placed to the left of the opening of a paragraph. https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/ 19 Her pearl-like teeth did flash, no sooner had She smiled. 9 And then did all creation shake and pass away. Rejoice in this blessed, this glorious and sublime Day. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above the horizon of holiness with wondrous rapture! 6 The glory of Thy might beareth me witness, O my God! Cancel Thou, moreover, our sins which have shut off our faces from the splendours of the Day-Star of Thy favours. Thou, verily, hast sanctified Thy Self beyond the knowledge of aught save Thee, and hast exalted Thine Essence above the mention of all else. 6 A lightning glance She cast, as piercing as a shooting starhow wondrous Her glance, how wondrous indeed!. All glory be to that which God hath bestowed upon us! Verily, We have caused every soul to expire by virtue of Our irresistible and all-subduing sovereignty.
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