The initial first few months in the Norfolk area consisted of performing guard duties at river bridges; coastal defence in the sand dunes of Hemsby (where the accommodation was in commandeered holiday bungalows), and also in and around stately homes. 4th Battalion officers casualty list, 1914-1917 (G4/2) Cpl R Boyd, 1st Battalion: Malaya 1952 (Y1/585). Men of the Reserve Battalion who sailed on the Birkenhead, 1852 (Y1/303(j)) The Regiment was sent to Tanjong Priok, Batavia, Java in December 1945 in an infantry role but saw little action because it was called back to India after a very short period arriving Calcutta . The company at Windsor Castle had origins dating back to 1660 and had seen active service in . The cutting is fairly old and will probably show signs of age and use. The next four years were spent training in the United Kingdom for the invasion of Normandy in 1944, otherwise known as D-Day. [28], The 1/4th Battalion landed at Le Havre as part of the Jullundur Brigade of the 3rd (Lahore) Division in November 1914 for service on the Western Front. On 18th January 1940 many young men, barely out of their boyhood, were called up for military service. List of officers taken prisoner in the Great War, 1919 (A16/40) Clean water, proper housing, education and medical care were provided. 4th Battalion, 8 November 1914 (G4/1) and 1 January 1915 (G2/1) Pte FJ Prew, 2nd Battalion: France 1914-1918 (Y1/641) Oral History | Imperial War Museums AUSTRALIAN STATES (part 2) VICTORIA with ultra . The 5th Suffolks, still in their position at Bukit Timah Road, were amongst trees and mangrove shrubs just a short distance in front of Raffles' College, which was the Battalion Headquarters. Rank. This test saw the men under arms for over 12 hours a day conducting a wide selection of military manoeuvres, including bridge building, retreats under fire, forced marches and defending ground and fixed fortifications. OCA registers of loans to members, 1926-1960 (V3/2-3), There are databases available in the Record Office search-room of all names in the 1914-1918 War Diaries of the 1st Battalion (856 entries) and 2nd Battalion (c600 entries).
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