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like idk if its bc im using a shitty synastry thing but i literally dont see it or dont know how to have that show up as like a thing for me to be able to view like idk? Uranian Goddess If youre looking for a casual thing, Id advise against doing that with someone you have this overlay with. This relationship (if not family) is fated to happen. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Meanwhile, the Sun person can get annoyed with the Venus person. Theyre may be quite a lot of flirting, especially on Venus end as Mercury brings out the more communicative side of Venus. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations Squares provide a lot of energy, so there may actually be more initial attraction in this relationship than in those with the sextile or trine. The Sun person with this Sun conjunct Venus synastry aspect probably admires the Venus persons looks or mannerisms. Conjunctions arent always good, especially when it involves a malefic planet like Saturn or Mars depending on the planet and other aspects. Webvenus conjunct pluto synastry tumblr; venus conjunct pluto synastry tumblr. I have it aspecting my moms Mercury, and a lot of people say I sound like her on the phone. Venus: The sun person really ignites a passion in the venus person, and the venus person really gets a long harmoniously with the sun person. If you have a beneficial Venus-Sun conjunction with your partner, you truly admire each other. TLDR; look at all the aspects and dont hone in on the negative ones unless theyre really bad like Nessus contacts, Mars square Mars, etc. People say its boring, but I think its a really nice synastry overlay to have. North Node in the 3rd: This is great for platonic relationships! Youll get wrapped up in possibly having good aspects with them, and getting your hopes up. These two may find that they have a lot of fun together, and the Mercury individuals finds that the Venus person brings out a more artistic and maybe poetic side to their expression. Were always on the same page about a lot of things, and we also love to teach each other things weve learned. Party In The Cookie Jar where even within any arguments they can both find understanding. Synastry notes . Words heal, empower and intrigue. The 7th house person makes the Ceres person feel loved and secure. Synastry notes . This Sun conjunct Venus synastry aspect is no different. You are naturally very creative, so work on your confidence and use the creativity to teach others. cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. We have a very natural bond, and most people have to work to form relationships, but friendship was always so easily for us, and weve always felt comfortable around each other. synastry

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