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When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. general oil and gas information pertaining to the individual fields; field remarks; field allocation formulas and their corresponding factors; allowable statistics for 26 months; production statistics for 24 months; and. Childs, (2005), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, "Railroad Commissioners Past through Present", "New Hydraulic Fracturing Water Recycling Rules Published in Texas Register", "Jim Wright wins Texas Railroad Commission race, extending decades of Republican dominance on the oil and gas regulating board", Railroad Commission of Texas official website, "Hazardous Business: Industry, Regulation, and the Texas Railroad Commission", Dept. I started downloading files from the different data sets and came across several data formats: I started loading the data that doesnt require too much work, such as the } delimited text files into an Azure Data Lake and connected it to Power BI to examine the contents, heres a few screenshots of the first look a the data loaded from the Operators, Leases, Operator Cyclic Data and Well Query Dump data sets: (I only loaded from 1993 to current date for now). Form G-1, Gas Well Back Pressure Test, Completion or Recompletion Report, and Log; Form W-2, Oil Well Potential Test, Completion or Recompletion Report, and Log; Form P-4, Producer's Transportation Authority and Certificate of Compliance; Form G-5, Gas Well Classification Report; Form P-15, Statement of Productivity of Acreage Assigned to Proration Units; well number, lease or well ID number, and district; date of first production for the high-cost gas incentive program. you can click the next well to view production data for it. This data set contains the spacing and production rules for an area of oil and gas production with at least one common reservoir for the entire area. Well Name. Sign up for WellDatabase today and get instant access. The last 5 digits are the unique number assigned to identify the wellbore. Allowable oilfield production was calculated as follows: estimated market demand, minus uncontrolled additions to supply, gave the Texas total; this was then prorated among fields and wells in a manner calculated to preserve equity among producers, and to prevent any well from producing beyond its maximum efficient rate (MER). Enter Radius Distance ( Max 2.5 miles) : Zoom to desired area and single click on map to draw a radius area with given distance. Also included is general information pertaining to: These data sets contain gas disposition information extracted from the Form PR (Production Report) during a given monthly production cycle. He cajoled, harangued, and browbeat recalcitrant producers into compliance with the TRC's prorationing orders. Well Type. This screen displays ten (10) months of production at a time, so you may need to click Next > to view the most recent data. It does not have jurisdiction over investor owned electric utility companies; that falls under the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Texas. This production data reflects preliminary totals reported to the Commission by oil and gas operators.

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texas railroad commission production data by well