Musical texture that simultaneously features two or more relatively independent and important melodic lines. A broken consort is an ensemble comprised of instruments from Another important form to jazz and popular music is AABA form. more than one family. The tone color or tone quality of the sound. Motive. In other situations, a composer might use musical forms of an admired predecessor as an act of homage or simply because that is how its always been done. We find this happening a great deal in the world of folk music, where a living tradition is of great importance. Thus, the chorus was what jazz artists took as the basis of their improvisations. highlighted on the review page), What is art created through cultural traditions rather than by formally schooled, please help!!! 1.22: The Doors, Light my Fire (1967), Melody. If necessary, consult a dictionary. a variation of country music featuring fiddle, guitar, mandolin, bass guitar, __E__ Form 6. the process whereby musicians create music spontaneously using the elements of music as building blocks. The most important pitch of a key; the note from which the other pictures are derived. Many childhood songs and holiday songs also use a simple verse-chorus song. Many compositions that on the surface sound very different use similar musical forms. Recitatives are often performed between arias and have texts that tend to be descriptive and narrating. The motet was one of the Instruments that are typically hit or struck by the hand, with sticks, or with hammers that are shaken or rubbed by hand. Stravinsky's music for the ballet Pulcinella (1920) is a major Explain how the evidence is or is not directly related to the claim. Musical pitches which move up or down by successive half-steps. It should be mentioned that the term blues is used somewhat loosely and is sometimes used to describe a tune with a bluesy sound, even though it may not follow the twelve-bar blues form. key areas introduced in the exposition are developed, first section of a sonata form movement, in which the themes and key areas Listen to the example of Louis Armstrong below. . Where the first two lines began with the word somewhere, the third line begins with someday. Where the first two lines spoke of a faraway place, the third line focuses on what will happen to the singer. Tenor- highest male voices pre-eminent polyphonic forms of Renaissance music. At the same time, the trombone improvises supporting notes that outline the harmony of the song and the clarinet improvises a completely new melody designed to complement the main melody of the trumpet. Ex. a capella. Choose the word from the word web that best completes each sentence. 11. quartets, classical symphonies, concerti, and sonata (instrumental solos). Spontaneous composition is music performed, occurring, or resulting from a sudden natural impulse, tendency, or inclination; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned. other parts by the called the answer, countersubject, stretto, and episode. Bach during the baroque period, fugues are a form written in an notes that are not normally found in a given key, Accidentals are incorrect notes mistakenly played by the performer, the science of sound; the study of how sound behaves in physical spaces; essential for production of musical instruments, a person who works in the are of acoustic technology; from design of rooms to devices to musical instruments, a person who studies the theory and science of acoustics, refers to how high the wave form appears to vibrate above zero when seen on an oscilloscope; louder sounds create higher oscilloscope amplitude readings, instruments traditionally made of brass or another metal (and thus often producing a "bright" or "brassy" tone) whose sound is generated by blowing into a mouthpiece that is attached to a coiled tube, the simultaneous sounding of three or more pitches; like intervals, chords can be consonant or dissonant, musical pitches which move up or down by successive half-steps, a medieval music theorist who developed a system of lines and spaces that enabled musicians to notate the specific notes in a melody, modern musical notation evolved from an earlier notation system invented by, the process whereby musicians create music spontaneously using the elements of music as building blocks, the instruments comprising a musical group (including the human voice), the distance in pitch between any two notes, any simultaneous combination of tones and the rules governing those combinations (the way a melody is accompanied is also another way to define harmony), the unit of frequency defined as one cycle per second and named after Heinrich Hertz (1957-1894) in 1960, musical texture comprised of one melodic line accompanied by chords, the set of pitches on which a composition is based, instruments that are characterized by keyboards, such as the piano, organ, vibraphone, and accordian, a unit of time that contains a specific number of beats defined by the meter/time signature, a succession of single tones in musical compositions, the wain which the beats are grouped together in a piece, musical texture comprised of one melodic line; a melodic line may be sung by one person or 100 people, the smallest musical unit of a melody; generally a single rhythm of two or three pitches, a disorganized sound with no observable pitch, the distance between two musical pitches where the higher pitch vibrates exactly twice as many times per second as the lower, a musical tone heard above a fundamental pitch, the sounds of different frequency that naturally occur above a fundamental (primary) tone, instruments that are typically hit or struck by the hand, with sticks, or with hammers or that are shaken or rubbed by hand, a tone that is composed of an organized sound wave, the process whereby a musician notates musical ideas using a system of symbols or using some other form of recording, a melody that moves mostly by step; in a smooth manner, (n.) as opposed to dissonance, is stable and needs no resolution, (adj.)