bronch-, bronchi-. The suffix might indicate a disease, disorder, condition, procedure, process, specialty, test, or status. * C. rib. cheek. Suffixes are not always spelled out in the definition of a word. 14 The Reproductive Systems Apply Yours 30 terms Scarleth89 In an abnormal location - as in an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs outside the uterus, in the fallopian tubes. Quick Introduction- provides an overview and introduction to medical terminology. D. thirst. Prefixes and suffixes, primarily in Greekbut also in Latin, have a droppable -o-. n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Diabetes drugs, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory medicines can cause edema. De Medical Term Prefix with Mnemonic. Loads prefixes that him find in medical terms are common to English language prefixes. De- Medical Term Mnemonic = letter "D". * B. breathing. Suffix denoting various blood disorders or conditions. Ergonomics, for example. cancer. A skin eruption or rash accompanying measles or scarlet fever. Prefix denoting good, normal, proper, or well. The normal refractive state of an eye in which parallel rays focus accurately on the retina, creating crisp and in-focus images. B. clavicle. For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Prefix denoting out, out of place, outside, or away from. This section deals with all med term roots beginning with the letter E. For a quick overview and tutorial on medical terminology, check out our Introduction to Medical Terminology. By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. Suffix - Building a Medical Terminology Foundation - Maricopa For more on medical terminology, see OpenMD's Introduction to Medical Terminology. Often such details can be found using a medical dictionary. Prefix denoting correct measure or well-proportioned. Mature red blood cells (RBC); cellular components of blood, which give the blood its characteristic color and carry gases and nutrients throughout the human body. Otherwise, it may define whether the word is a noun, verb, or adjective. If youve ever spent any time at the OB-GYNs office, even as a patient, you will probably recognize many of these female-related roots.
\nRoot Word | \nWhat It Means | \n
Amni/o | \nAmnion | \n
Cephal/o | \nHead | \n
Cervic/o | \nCervix/neck | \n
Chori/o | \nChorion | \n
Colp/o | \nVagina | \n
Culd/o | \nRetrouterine pouch (cul-de-sac) | \n
Cyes/o, cyes/i | \nPregnancy | \n
Embry/o | \nEmbryo | \n
Endometri/o | \nEndometrium | \n
Episi/o | \nVulva | \n
Fet/o | \nFetus | \n
Fimbri/o | \nFimbria | \n
Galact/o | \nMilk | \n
Genit/o | \nGenitalia | \n
Gonad/o | \nOvaries | \n
Gravida | \nPregnancy | \n
Gynec/o, gyn/o | \nWoman, female | \n
Hyster/o | \nUterus | \n
Lact/o | \nMilk | \n
Lapar/o | \nAbdomen | \n
Mamm/o, mast/o | \nBreast | \n
Men/o | \nMenstruation | \n
Metr/o, metr/io | \nUterus | \n
Mult/i | \nMany | \n
My/o | \nMuscle | \n
Myometri/o | \nMyometrium | \n
Nat/o, nat/i | \nBirth | \n
Null/i | \nNone | \n
Olig/o | \nScanty | \n
Omphal/o, umbilic/o | \nUmbilicus, navel | \n
Oophor/o | \nOvary | \n
Ov/o, ov/i, ovul/o | \nEgg, ovum | \n
Papill/o | \nNipple | \n
Pelv/i, pelv/o | \nPelvis | \n
Perine/o | \nPerineum | \n
Prim/i | \nFirst | \n
Pseud/o | \nFalse | \n
Puerper/o | \nChildbirth | \n
Salping/o | \nFallopian tube | \n
Umbilic/o | \nUmbilicus, navel | \n
Uter/o | \nUterus | \n
Vagin/o | \nVagina | \n
Vulv/o | \nVulva | \n
There are so many medical terms associated with the female reproductive system that its just not possible to classify each and every one of them here However, here is a diverse array of both anatomical and clinical words that will keep you in the know regarding this system.
\n- \n
Adnexa: Accessory parts of an organ
\n \n Anteversion: Forward tipping of the uterus
\n \n Coitus/copulation: Sexual intercourse
\n \n Estrogen: Hormone produced by the ovaries responsible for female sex characteristics and building of uterine lining during the menstrual cycle
\n \n Gynopathic: Pertaining to diseases of women
\n \n Hydrosalpinx: Water in the fallopian tube
\n \n Leukorrhea: White vaginal discharge, can sometimes contain white blood cells
\n \n Mastoptosis: Sagging breasts
\n \n Menarche: Beginning of menstruation
\n \n Myometrium: Muscular layer lining the uterus
\n \n Oligomenorrhea: Scanty menstrual flow
\n \n Orifice: Opening
\n \n Progesterone: Hormone produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and by the placenta during pregnancy
\n \n Puberty: Beginning of the fertile period when gametes are produced and secondary sex characteristics become evident
\n \n Retroversion: Abnormal tipping backward of the uterus
\n \n Salpingitis: Inflammation of fallopian tube
\n \n
Some medical terms are specific to the obstetrical nature of this system.
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