is from Old French diminuer make small, from Latin diminuere break into small pieces, variant of deminuere lessen, diminish, from de- completely (see de-) + minuere make small (from PIE root *mei- (2) small). This dangerous muscle condition can result from overexertion, trauma, medications or an underlying health condition. [9], Neutrophil granulocytesthe most abundant type of white blood cellenter the muscle tissue, producing an inflammatory reaction and releasing reactive oxygen species,[10] particularly after crush injury. Blood tests such as creatinine kinase maybe used to confirm the diagnosis. Symptoms usually develop one to three days after a muscle injury, though some people may not even notice muscle soreness. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Resting helps you feel better during treatment. How do you find the prefix suffix and root of a word? Quick Summary. Avoiding addictive substances like alcohol and drugs. How do you break down medical terms? The prefix is -eum, and means bone structure. Dont push yourself beyond safe limits. The joint movement opposition is described as: The suffix in the word detoxification means: remove or take out. Rhabdomyolysis (often called rhabdo) is a serious medical condition that can be fatal or result in permanent disability. Acute renal failure and diffuse intravascular coagulation are late complications of rhabdomyolysis (i.e., past 12 to 24 hours). been involved in certain activities. Copyright 2002 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Which of the following conditions is caused by the breakdown and eventual destruction of cartilage in a joint? Chapter 2 Medical terminolgy Flashcards | Quizlet In this setting, a serum sample with normal color indicates myoglobinuria, whereas a pigmented brown or red serum sample indicates hemoglobinuria. The word rhabdomyolysis is derived from the Greek words rhabdos (rod-like/striated), mus (muscle), and Lucis (breakdown). Ideal for 1 or 2 credit college courses, highschools, private schools, and self-learning.
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