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Who composed La favola d'Orfeo, a work that marks the beginning of opera as a major art form? What were the main social classes of early China? Which one of the following is not a general characteristic of Romantic music: Compositions were based on logic and controlled feelings. (1:00), Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? The main melody is sung by the soprano part, whilst the oboe plays and elaborated variation at the same time. Match the descriptive words or phrases with the clip that they best describe. Basso continuo; The Doctrine of Affections, The following excerpt is an example for which style of recitative? :20, The vocal technique illustrated by the following example is known as: Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? Which of the following were sacred genres in the Medieval period? Decide whether the sentence is true or false, and write True or False on the answer line. Baroque Music Period Flashcards | Quizlet Many composers of the Baroque Period (1600-1750) composed music solely for the organ. According to the text, in rondo form, the repeating themes are separated by: Form can be defined as the constructive or organizing element in music. (This is an excerpt from Bach's Prelude . Who are two prominent women composers of the Baroque era? But Purcell also lets us know it is a lament with a bass line that descends stepwise. :28. From which of the following pairs would you choose the most likely composer of this example? The proper musical term for "increasing the tempo" is __________. It is extraordinary how much emotion Debussy creates with just a solo melody line: We rarely hear entirely monophonic songs in the published contemporary musical scene. The melody may be in the highest register or it may be lower in the texture. :40, Which of these examples is a recitative? While music notation is centuries old, modern Western musical notation dates back to around 650 A.D. Lets start with the simplest musical texture to define and describe monophonic. (1:38), From a Renaissance composition having its roots in folk songs. the music industry initially saw hip-hop as _____. Tempo is an Italian universal musical term that refers to the speed at which a music composition is played. People often struggle to find the right words to describe musical texture and so you will often hear people describing the texture of a piece of music as being thin if there are not very many instruments playing and thick if there are lots of instruments playing. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. The following excerpt is an example for which style of recitative? The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. 1:01, Which statement does NOT apply to the following music example? strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion. When you describe the texture of a piece of music, you are describing the relationship of melodic and (sometimes) harmonic elements with each other.

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