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Decoy (Trinket)Allows you to move a card from your side of the field back into your hand. Since Vreemde has 20 power which he restores each turn, this will require a charged Wagenburg, a full rank and an Arbalest. Here's a solution. Continue west and help yourself to some wood. If you brought the druids with you earlier, you will part ways at this point. This is the courthouse which is still housing prisoners. There's another pit blocking your way so take the long path round. You can choose to order on assault on the town for a battle. You can end this battle early if you can eliminate Gascon. You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Send the girl home: random gold reward, lose morale. Return to Crumhorne and use the shrine to restores your forces' morale and then return to the fast travel point. You will be fighting with a custom deck (i.e. The other thing to remember is to avoid destroying Harpy Eggs. There are two different versions of this battle depending on whether you chose Gascon or Reynard. You may need to rearrange your deck a little. Return all the food: a reduction in morale. Play an Arbalest in your ranged row and damage an Archespore by 3. Accept his invitation for a morale boost. You will be fighting treacherous Lyrian units. Start making your way southeast and unlock the fast travel point. This should allow Eyck to power up to extreme levels. Hurts the enemy, benefits you. If you're using the Flail as Meve's weapon, adjust your deck so that you're using something else for the time being - I would suggest the Longsword. Continue south. You can have a whole bunch of new conversations in the Mess Tent and read some new reports in the Royal Tent. You want Meve to be using the Longsword since this allows you to control which of your units are consumed as well as doing additional damage to the boss. Gets a lot better when promoted since the damage is doubled. Even though you could pass and win the round, the game forces you to play Count Caldwell. Dig up the golden chest (3/9). This is better than the Lyrian Horn how? You will receive a new weapon after the battle, Meve: Angreni Blade. If you disagree, Eldain will murder your scouts. This is a standard battle. If you pardon him, you will gain morale. Your enemy will deploy Foglets, Nekker Warriors and Ancient Foglets. After three turns, Gascon will turn up with reinforcements for you. Queen Meve is on the field so you lose your command abilities. Every turn damage the marked unit by 2. Unlock the fast travel point as you continue northeast. Read the new reports in the Royal Tent and converse with your lieutenants in the Mess Tent. Review: Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - PS4 - Player Assist 30 prisoners killed without raising an alarm: that is a literally incredible feat that I guess the writers thought was cool.

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