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The last 10 days, Ive probably been acting a bit weird to everybody in the group and online, Waters said. The stripes appeared to extend from the nape of the neck, running barrel-wise down its back to the rump of its long tail. The animal then made a quick exit back into the ferns.". He signed off: Congratulations everyone. Does the footage show a thylacine or something else? He described it as "clear as a day". Mongabay is a U.S.-based non-profit conservation and environmental science news platform. It was a bit after dusk. This time it was coming down the slope from the right, jumped down the bank onto the road & continued down the slope as if it regularly used the same animal track. He had seen the animal in the glow of the car headlights when at a sharp bend. It is obvious a colony of six to eight of these creatures exists in the gully. (2017). WebMYS251: The Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger lived in Australia for thousands of years, but went extinct in 1936. function external_links_in_new_windows_loop() { Uh Pardon Me But Thylacine Truthers Think Theyve Captured A Tassie Tiger Family On Camera, Don't Panic, The Tasmanian Tiger May Not Be So Extinct After All, There Was An Alleged Tassie Tiger Sighting In SA & Im Sure The Hemsworth Bros Are Quaking RN, The Hemsworths Are Funding A Jurassic Park-Style Attempt To Bring The Tassie Tiger Back To Life, Perhaps These Thylacine Dog Coats Will Take Yr Mind Off The Latest Tasmanian Tiger False Alarm, Jeff Lowe, Keen To Leave Joe Exotics Haunted Zoo, Wishes Carole Baskin The Best. Roger Hardy also informed me that in the Mount Mondilla area are deep gorges. He spotted moving along the cement wall on the side of the road. north of Grose Valley] accompanied by expert bushmen Rod Gerney and Robert Ashworth and several assistants in a convoy of four-wheel drive vehicles.. Suddenly we saw sitting in the road ahead an animal which at first we took to be a dog. By and large, academics and wildlife conservationists have kept out of the debate, or at least not voiced strong opinions either way. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30. The thylacine was commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger, due to the distinctive stripes on its back. Theres at least one operator who will organise devil restaurants, where roadkill wallabies are staked out in front of a hide to lure them in. "In February 1977, in the Kanimbla Valley north of Megalong, Mr Kevin Cummings was driving out of the valley one day when, as his vehicle passed a tall embankment, he saw ahead of him, what he immediately recognised to be a Thylacine, run across the dirt road he was on and up the embankment.

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