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Or in other words your clock: springs forward (1 hour ahead in spring time) and falls back (return to standard time zone in the fall or autumn time of the year). (No Daylight Saving Time). When local standard time is about to reach Sunday, October 1, 2023, 2:00:00 am clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, October 1, 2023, 3:00:00 am local daylight time instead. If you're available any time, but you want to reach someone in Sydney, Australia at work, you may want to try between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM your time. Lagos has no daylight saving, because Nigeria never used it.Australia observes DST, but not the state of Queensland with Brisbane as its capital.Sydney, Australia is the capital of New South Walies, one of the states that does observe daylight saving: from the first Sunday in October until the Saturday before the first Sunday in April. This means, unlike some time zones where the clock is set forward by one hour every summer and backward by one hour during winter to adjust for daylight saving, Australian Western Standard Time remains the same, Offset: AEDT is 11 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Australia, Principal Cities: The largest city in the AEDT timezone is Sydney from Australia with population about 4.627 million people. time difference between perth and melbourne daylight savings. Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 8am-4pm in AWST which corresponds to 10am-6pm in Sydney. +10:00 hours during Australian Eastern Standard Time, currently in use. More info, You can quickly check the current time difference between Australia and China by viewing the current time zone at the top right of both countries' time zone clocks . | Asia time zone map, Australia Daylight Saving Time 2023 Timezones and time changes in Australia - More info. Time Difference between Brisbane, Australia and Sydney - Travelmath In regions that are using Daylight Saving Time the clocks are typically moved forward by one hour at .

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time difference between sydney and perth during daylight savings