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The forestry sector is the largest contributor to the bioenergy mix globally. Wood is still the largest biomass energy resource today. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. GermanyGermany is the leading producer of solid biomass primary energy in the European Union. Table 2: Top 16 countries producing and using geothermal energy. Most of the biomass is used as the primary energy source by people for heating and cooking, ranging from 65% in Haiti, 72% in Kenya, 78% in Democratic Republic of Congo, 81.5% in Nigeria, 85% in Tanzania, to 89% in Kenya and Niger. Who uses biomass? In recent years, China has committed to drastically increasing its solar power to produce electricity in an effort to curb the severe air pollution crisis in the country. 8 Where does most of the worlds energy come from? The term biomass refers to forestry purposely grown agricultural crops trees and plants organic wastes agricultural agro-industrial and domestic wastes (Garg and Datta 1998. Some biofuels like Ethanol is relatively inefficient as compared to gasoline. For example Kenya derives about 75% India 50% China 33% and Brazil 25% of their total energy from biomass A number of industrialized countries also derive a considerable amount of energy from biomass such as Finland 18% Ireland 16% Sweden 9% and USA 3%. The benefit of biomass energy is that biomass is renewable source of energy and it cannot be depleted. Its 13th Five Year Plan for Electricity (2016-2020) aims to raise non-fossil fuels share of total electricity production from 35 to 39 percent by 2020. Southeast Asia has a strong need to decarbonise its economies and modernise its energy systems. Excludes countries with no wind production. Burning biomass can also generate electricity. Can you connect stranded wire to an outlet? Biomass energy is not as efficient as fossil fuels. Renewable Energy - Our World in Data Combined Brazil and the US produce over 70% of the worlds biofuels. Individual country reports are available at, Summary report: CountriesReport2021_final, Presentation on the Country reports at EUBCE2022: EUBCE2022 presentation on the Country reports. About 84 percent of the wood and wood waste fuel used in the United States is consumed by the industry electric power producers and commercial businesses. Burning biomass releases carbon emissions, but has been classed as a renewable energy source in the EU and UN legal frameworks, because plant stocks can be replaced with new growth.

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top 10 countries that use biomass energy 2022