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lg and zte had no solutions. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. So if youre having issues with setting up a multipoint connection, the first thing to do is double-check that your device supports multipoint by searching for [product name] multipoint Bluetooth or consulting your products manual. How do you adjust the volume on them - Q&A - Best Buy Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont use an app to select your multipoint devices, you will need to re-pair the device that has lost its connection. achieving the sound of the immersive music scene surround sound.making you feel personally on the scene of music.IPX8 WaterproofThis IPX8 tested waterproof headphones keep you safe in the heavy rain or sweat, You can wear it to take shower or using in rainy days, even submergible up to 3 meters( Pls Note: Bluetooth signal CAN NOT be propagated underwater because water block bluetooth signal). The file size is too big. on Touch Two Stereo headset C5 User Manual. The file size is too big. If both wires are broken, you can reconnect them to either of the terminals on the circuit board. we are always dedicated to provide good quality products and service, if you are not satisfied with these bluetooth earbuds for any reason, contact us anytime we will always be here to help you ; Rest assured to buy. If your phone or tablet isn't pairing, make . For safety, please comply with the rules mentioned in this manual 2. 1. Take the earbuds out of charging case and remove the PET insulator.Put the earbuds back in the charging case to activate. From Josh Kirschner on August 01, 2016 :: 10:53 am. You must double-click the L/R ear touch surface., From Craig Cowan on July 03, 2016 :: 9:43 pm. .go to ur application manager and delete the blue tooth cache.. 9994606589, From Diana Smith Hill on May 31, 2016 :: 7:51 am. Manage Settings Scroll down the menu and tap on [Accessibility]. Touch Two C5s (Model 2) Wireless Earbuds Review!!! - YouTube Step 2: Long press the function key for 5 seconds to turn on the i12 TWS. On the device list, connect to the"Touch Two C5and then the tone second device connected will be heard D. Any suggestions? THE EARBUD LED LIGHT WILL TURN BLUE WHEN IT IS FULLY CHARGED. When you use these links, you help support our ongoing editorial mission to provide you with the best product recommendations. Techlicious LLC. Techlicious participates in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which provide a small commission from some, but not all, of the "click-thru to buy" links contained in our articles. If youre having persistent Bluetooth connection problems, try resetting your devices, or having your phone or tablet forget the connection. Some automotive audio systems have been known to not pair with phones because the Bluetooth drivers in these systems didnt work with later versions of Bluetooth.

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