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Then give that class several properties. Javas inbuilt concept of serialization, does all this for you, for the very objects created by your application that are still in memory. Add the following to the top of your class (not to individual methods): and others. An application that parses user-controlled XML documents can allow an attacker to craft an XML document to read arbitrary server files through DTD entity references. Checkmarx's open-source KICS (Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure) solution has been integrated into version 14.5 of the GitLab DevOps Platform as an infrastructure-as-code scanning tool. Thus, the attacker is "hijacking" clicks meant for their page and routing them to another page, most likely owned by another application, domain, or both. . The application receives and dynamically executes user-controlled code. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. CWE - 285 : Improper Access Control (Authorization) The software does not perform or incorrectly performs access control checks across all potential execution paths.When access control checks are not applied consistently - or not at all - users are able to access data or perform actions that they should not be allowed to perform. There are two ways of doing this: Follow a blacklist approachi.e., explicitly forbidding objects of certain classes from being deserializedor a more restrictive, whitelist approach. SAST Scanner - Supported Languages and Frameworks, SCA Scanner - Supported Languages and Package Managers, IaC Security Scanner - Supported Platforms/Technologies, Checkmarx One Rating System for Severity and Risk Level, Configuring Projects Using Config as Code Files, Viewing the IaC Security Scanner Dashboard, Running an Incremental Scan from a Repository URL, Running an Incremental Scan from a Zip Archive, Viewing the Global Inventory and Risks Page for SCA, Viewing the Global API Inventory and Risks Page for API Security, Requiring AppSec HD (Help Desk) Assistance, Viewing License Info and Upgrading a License, Importing a SAST Environment into Checkmarx One, Accessing the Identity and Access Management Console, DAST Viewing DAST results in the Risks Table, Quick Start Guide - Checkmarx One Jenkins Plugin, Checkmarx One Jenkins Plugin - Installation and Initial Setup, Configuring Checkmarx One Build Steps in Jenkins, Installing the TeamCity Checkmarx One Plugin, Configuring Global Integration Settings for Checkmarx One TeamCity Plugin, Adding a Checkmarx One Build Step in TeamCity, Viewing Checkmarx One Results in TeamCity, Quick Start Guide - Checkmarx One GitHub Actions, Checkmarx One GitHub Actions Initial Setup, Configuring a GitHub Action with a Checkmarx One Workflow, Viewing GitHub Action Checkmarx One Scan Results, Quick Start Guide - Checkmarx One Azure DevOps Plugin, Installing the Azure Checkmarx One Plugin, Checkmarx One Azure DevOps Plugin Initial Setup, Creating Checkmarx One Pipelines in Azure, Checkmarx One Bitbucket Pipelines Integration, Setting Proxy Environment Variables for CI/CD Plugins, Using SCA Resolver in Checkmarx One CI/CD Integrations, Sonar Results for Checkmarx One (Example for GitHub Action), SARIF Output for Checkmarx One (Example for GitHub Action), Preparing for the Checkmarx One Vulnerability Integration, Installing the ServiceNow Vulnerability Response Integration with Checkmarx One, Configuring the Checkmarx One Vulnerability Integration, Integrating the Checkmarx One Vulnerability Integration, Data Transformation for the Checkmarx One Integration, Checkmarx One Vulnerability Integration Modifications and Activities, Assigning a Feedback Profile to a Checkmarx Project - Repository path scans, Creating an OAuth2 Client for Checkmarx One Integrations, Setting Proxy Environment Variables for IDE Plugins, Installing and Setting up the Checkmarx One Eclipse Plugin, Installing and Setting up the Checkmarx One JetBrains Plugin, Installing and Setting Up the Checkmarx One Visual Studio Extension, Viewing Checkmarx One Results in Visual Studio, Installing and Setting up the Checkmarx VS Code Extension, Using the Checkmarx VS Code Extension - Checkmarx One Results, Using the Checkmarx VS Code Extension - KICS Realtime Scanning, Using the VS Code Checkmarx Extension - SCA Realtime Scanning, API Parity Between Checkmarx One and Legacy, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes February 2023, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes December 2022, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes November 2022, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes September 2022, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes February 2022, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes December 2021, Checkmarx SCA Release Notes November 2021, Using Package Inspection to Prevent Supply Chain Attack Attacks, Understanding How Checkmarx SCA Scans Run Using Various Methods, Viewing the Global Inventory and Risks Page, Using Master Access Control (Replica Mode), Getting Help and Submitting a Support Ticket, Installing Supported Package Managers for Resolver, Running Scans Using Checkmarx SCA Resolver, Checkmarx SCA Resolver Configuration Arguments, SAML Authentication for Checkmarx SCA Resolver, Master Access Control Authentication for Checkmarx SCA Resolver, Configuring Exploitable Path Queries for Checkmarx SCA Resolver, Checkmarx Dependency Checker Plugin for Jetbrains IntlliJ IDEA, Checkmarx SCA Extension for Visual Studio Code, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - POST Scans Generate Upload Link, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - PUT Upload Link, Access Control (REST) APIs for Checkmarx SCA, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - PUT Risk Reports Ignore Vulnerability, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - PUT Risk Reports UnIgnore Vulnerability, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - GET Scan Reports and SBOMs, Checkmarx SCA (REST) API - Export Service, Server Host Requirements for Previous Versions, Supported Components and Operating Systems (9.5.0), Supported Components and Operating Systems for Previous Versions, Installing CxSAST in Centralized Environment, Completing the CxSAST Installation with Management and Orchestration, Enabling Long Path Support in CxSAST Application, Required Prerequisites for Installing CxSAST in a Distributed Environment, 9.5.0 Required Prerequisites for Installing CxSAST in a Distributed Environment, Installing and Configuring the Web Portal, Installing and Configuring CxEngine under Linux, Installing SAST in a High Availability Environment, Installing a CxSAST Engine Pack in a Centralized Environment, Installing a CxSAST Engine Pack on a host containing previously installed SAST components (Upgrade), Installing a CxSAST Engine Pack on a host that does not contain previously installed CxSAST components, Running the Engine Pack Installation on a CxManager Host, Installing a CxSAST Engine Pack in Silent Mode, Troubleshooting CxSAST Engine Pack installations, Automated Engine Pack Rollback using PowerShell, Preparing CxSAST for Installation in Silent Mode, Installing/Uninstalling CxSAST in Silent Mode in a Centralized Environment, Required Prerequisites for Installing CxSAST in Silent Mode in a Distributed Environment, Installing ActiveMQ in a Distributed Environment, Installing the CxSAST Manager in a Distributed Environment, Installing the Web Portal in a Distributed Environment, Installing the CxEngine Server in a Distributed Environment, Parameters for Installing CxSAST in Silent Mode, Reconfiguring Access Control and CxEngine, Preparing for CEC CxSAST Installation Sessions, Installation Guide for SAST v9.5.0 Short-Term Projects, Installation Guide for SAST v9.4.0 Short-Term Projects, Config Files Merges and Backup During Upgrade, SAST Application Dashboard- Using Prometheus Metrics and Grafana, Create a Smaller File for Upload (longpath support), Enterprise Updates for 9.5.0 (New Features and Enhancements), Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for 9.5.0, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for 9.4.0, 9.3.0 Supported Code Languages and Frameworks, 9.2.0 Supported Code Languages and Frameworks, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.5.4, Release Notes for Engine Pack (EP) 9.5.3 Patches, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.5.2, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.5.1, Release Notes for Engine Pack (EP) 9.5.1 Patches, Release Notes for Engine Pack (EP) 9.4.5 Patches, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.4.3, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.4.2, Supported Code Languages and Frameworks for EP 9.4.1, The Engine Pack Delivery Model for Checkmarx SAST, Branching and Duplicating Existing Projects, Generic Symbol table - Type inference plugins, Viewing, Importing, and Exporting Queries, Configuring User Credentials for CxDB Connectivity, Changing the Server Name, IP Address or Port for Checkmarx Components, Changing Protocols, the Hostname and Ports for Checkmarx Components, Configuring the Proxy from the Checkmarx Server, Linking CxManager to the Database with a separate Client Portal using Windows Authentication, Configuring the Checkmarx Web Portal on a Dedicated Host, Configuring the CxSAST Server Web Portal Installed on Dedicated Hosts for Use with the IIS Application (v8.8.0 and up), Configuring Method of Sending Source Files to Scan Engine, Configuring SSL between CxManager and CxEngine, Configuring SSL for the Checkmarx Software Exposure Platform, Enabling TLS 1.2 Support and Blocking Weak Ciphers on CxManager, Blocking the Use of Weak Ciphers and Enabling TLS 1.2 in the Server Configuration, Configuring Checkmarx Software Exposure Platform for High Availability, Configuring ActiveMQ for High Availability Environments, Configuring Access Control for High Availability Environments, Configuring the Connection to a Source Control System, Configuring CxSAST for using a non-default Port, Configuring CxSAST for using a non-default User (Network Service) for CxServices & IIS Application Pools, Making Comments Mandatory on Result Severity State Change, Specifying a Scan Configuration for a Project, Configuring a Default Scan Configuration for All Projects and Scans, CxDB Database Tables Relevant for Scan Configurations, How to Create a Custom Scan Configuration, Configuring CxSAST to use the New Flow Scan Process, Configuring a Project with Git Integration, Creating an SSH Key (Authentication to GIT), Configuring Git Integration with a Pre-Scan Action, Source Pulling Performance Improvement - Cloud/NAS, Refining a Query - Extending Checkmarx Sanitization, Returns a Json summary report for the specified scan Id, Returns all the used libraries for the specified scan Id, Access Control Web Interface (v2.0 and up), Access Control User Management (v2.0 and up), Modifying the Token Lifetime in Access Control for CxSAST 9.x, Access Control (REST) API - Assignable Users, Access Control (REST) API - Authentication Providers, Access Control (REST) API - LDAP Role Mappings, Access Control (REST) API - LDAP Team Mappings, Access Control (REST) API - SAML Identity Providers, Access Control (REST) API - SAML Service Provider, Access Control (REST) API - Service Provider, Access Control (REST) API - SMTP Settings, Access Control (REST) API - System Locales, Access Control (REST) API - Token Signing Certificates, Access Control (REST) API - Windows Domains, Swagger for Access Control (v2.0) REST API (v1), Swagger for Access Control (v2.0.x) REST API (v1), Adding OWASP Top 10 2017 to CxSAST version 8.4 and above, Adding OWASP Top 10 2017 to CxSAST version 8.5, CxOSA (REST) API Authentication and Login, CxSAST Reporting Manager Installation (Docker image), CxSAST Reporting Manager Installation (as a Windows Service), CxSAST Reporting Client API Installation (Docker image), CxSAST Reporting Client API Installation (as a Windows Service), CxSAST Reporting Portal Installation (as a Windows Service), CxSAST Reporting Portal Installation (Docker image), CxSAST Reporting Schedule Installation (Docker image), CxSAST Reporting Schedule Installation (as a Windows Service), CxSAST Reporting Service Docker Compose Setup, Checkmarx SCA Realtime Scanning Extension for VS Code, KICS Realtime Scanning Extension for VS Code, Installing and Configuring the Jenkins Plugin, Setting up and Configuring the CxSAST Bamboo Plugin, Configuring the CxSAST Bamboo Plugin Global Settings, Reviewing Scan Results using the Azure DevOps Plugin, Configuring a Project for the Checkmarx SonarQube Plugin, Configuring SonarQube for Multi Module Projects, Setting Up the Eclipse Plugin (v9.2.0 and up), Visual Studio Code Extension Plugin Overview, Setting Up the Visual Studio Code Extension Plugin, Running a Scan from Visual Studio Code Extension, Binding and Unbinding Projects in Visual Studio Code Extension, Troubleshooting Visual Studio Code Extension Issues, VSCode Tutorial - Login via User Credentials, VSCode Tutorial - Initiate Scan, View Report & Bind Unbind Project, Visual Studio Code Extension Plugin Change Log, Configuring GitHub Integration (v9.0.0 and up), Configuring GitHub Integration (v8.6.0 to v8.9.0), Configuring GitHub Integration (up to v8.5.0), GitHub - Tips on Finding Git / GitHub Repository URLs, Atlassian Bitbucket Integration (formerly Stash), Configuring the Identity Provider for SAML, Installing a SAML Certificate on the CxSAST Server, Defining SAML Service Provider Settings in Access Control, Creating and Mapping User Attributes in OKTA, Assigning Users to the Service Provider Application in OKTA, Adding a New SAML Identity Provider in Access Control, Creating and Obtaining the Codebashing API Credentials, Creating Environment Variables to define Courses and the Codebashing Platform, Making the Scripts for the Course Generation Available, Creating and Applying a Codebashing Course Generator, Setting up Integration with ThreadFix through CxSAST, Setting up Integration with ThreadFix through Jenkins, Preparing for the Checkmarx Vulnerability Integration, Installing the ServiceNow Vulnerability Response Integration with Checkmarx, Installation and Configuration of MID Server for Vulnerability Response Integration with SAST, Integrating the Checkmarx Vulnerability Integration, Checkmarx Application Vulnerable Item Integration, Checkmarx Vulnerability Integration Modifications and Activities, Supported Code Languages for Version 3.12.1, Supported Code Languages for Version 3.12.0, Supported Environments for CxIAST Server (v3.11.2), Supported Environments for Applications Under Testing (v3.11.2), Supported Environments for CxIAST Server (v3.11.1), Supported Environments for Applications Under Testing (v3.11.1), Installing IAST using One Single Endpoint with Docker, Installing the IAST Management Server under Windows, Adding SSL or Additional Functionalities to the IAST Management Server under Windows, Installing the IAST Management Server under Linux, Setting up and Configuring the CxIAST Java Agent in the AUT Environment, Setting up and Configuring the CxIAST C# Agent in the AUT Environment, Setting up and Configuring the CxIAST Node.js Agent in the AUT Environmentoes, Masking Sensitive Information Using a Database Query Executor, Logging on to the IAST Web Application Using Access Control, Executing Database Queries using the Database Executor Script, Enabling the Codebashing Add-on (from SAST), Integrating your Learning Management System, Sample Email Templates for Rolling Out Codebashing, Generating Courses Based on SAST Scan Results, Resources and Settings for Administrators, Working with the Checkmarx Codebashing API, Configuring built-in Authentication and Authorization, Azure DevOps - Using the Azure DevOps plugin, Jenkins - Using the Checkmarx One Jenkins Plugin, Integrating with Team Collaboration Systems, SAST - Project Settings - Presets, Language, and Exclusions.

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