Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering MUCO 330 - Women in Music (same as Womens Studies 330) ASLN 232 - Intermediate Chinese II ANTH 210 - Principles of Biological Anthropology, Animal Science FREN 212 - Intermediate French II AE 410 - Professional Topics, Animal Science Satisfies General Education Requirement: (OC) (1-6)Supervised career-related experiences using communication studies theories and techniques in government and for-profit or non-profit organizations, culminating in a written and oral report. PHIL 320 - Ancient Western Philosophy ASTR 162 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology with Laboratory GEOL 108 - Honors: Earth, Life, and Time Emerging research and perspectives on current issues and communication practice. COSC 100 - Introduction to Computers and Computing HIST 267 - Honors: A History of World Civilization MUCO 290 - Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World, Philosophy Registration Restriction(s): Restricted to Communication Studies majors/minors or consent of instructor CHEM 138 - Honors: General Chemistry II, Engineering Fundamentals AGEE 440 - Communication Techniques in Agriculture, Anthropology 2 Courses may apply for either OC or AOC but not both categories. CHEM 128 - Honors: General Chemistry I Satisfies General Education Requirement: (OC) All courses in the core Advertising progression, ADVT 310 - Advertising Design, ADVT 340R - Advertising Research Methods*, ADVT 350 - Creative Strategy, ADVT 360 - Advertising Media Strategy, ADVT 380 - Advertising Professional Seminar, ADVT 450 - Advertising Management*, ADVT 470 - Advertising Campaigns*, and ADVT 480 - Advertising Issues, must be completed with a grade of C- or better for the hours to count toward requirements for the major. Business/Professional Communication Syllabus. CMST 217 ASTR 161 - A Journey through the Solar System with Laboratory The College of Communication and Information fosters among students a sense of the legal and ethical responsibilities of access to information and the exercise of expression in a democratic society. Syllabus, CMST 416 Students should be able to locate relevant information, evaluate its usefulness and quality, and incorporate the information logically and ethically in public address. ECE 400 - Senior Design, English CHEM 479 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I, Child and Family Studies SPAN 212 - Intermediate Spanish This requirement is satisfied by taking two courses from the following list. Loved the John Wayne class with . (3)Dynamics of interactions within family systems, marriage, and parent-child relationships. BIOL 101 - Humankind in the Biotic World AHIS 178 - Honors: Western Art II Unrestricted Electives may be taken pass/fail unless they are being counted toward a second concentration or a minor. On top of all of that, it's a fairly easy A and is a CC credit. BSE 401 - Biosystems Engineering Design I, Chemistry Repeatability: May be repeated. ASLN 231 - Intermediate Chinese I Faculty Senate, The University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleKnoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. PHYS 222 - Elements of Physics CMST 400 . Satisfactory/No Credit Option JREM 450 - Writing about Science and Medicine ENGL 208 - Honors: British Literature II Registration Restriction(s): Restricted to Communication Studies majors/minors or consent of instructor Satisfies General Education Requirement: [OC] The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities at the University of Tennessee. Syllabus, CMST 446 ENGL 233 - Major Black Writers (same as Africana Studies 233) MUCO 210 - History of Western Music, Ancient to the Baroque CMST 280 Communication Currents Disciplinary minors are offered in communication studies, information sciences, and journalism and electronic media.
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